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Apr 26, 2022, 8 tweets

BLA’s been recruiting Baloch youngsters for terrorism targeting Chinese CPEC dev in Balochistan for yrs.

Many such recruits exist online promoting terrorism as today’s #karachiuniversity suicider Shari Baloch who can be traced by FIA

But FIA is busy tracing PTI patriotic youth.

Sirbuland Baloch aka Umar Jan suicider of BLA-Majeed Brigade, who detonated himself today near 3 vehicles carrying Chinese workers on East Bay Expressway in Gwadar, Pakistan killing 2 Baloch children also had a twitter handle @SangathZain before committing his attack.

Riyasat Baloch aka Bada, an Indian sponsored trained suicider of BLA-Majeed Brigade, who took part in the suicider terrorist attack at FC camp in Noshki in Feb 2022, also had an active twitter handle @ReyasatKBaloch before committing the terrorist attack.


Salman Hammal alias Notak, an Indian sponsored & Kandahar trained suicider of BLA-Majeed Brigade, who took part in the suicider terrorist attack at Karachi Stock Exchange on 29 June 2020, also had an active twitter handle @salman_hammal before committing the terrorist attack.


Aftab Jattak aka Washain, an Indian sponsored & Kandahar trained terrorist of BLA-Fateh Squad, who attacked on 31May21 Awais Camp of Ghaza Band Scouts in Bolan also had an active twitter handle @Aftab__baloch before he’s killed in this attack BLA called “Marwar Battle”.


Shaari Baloch ws a member of BLA-Specially Designated Global Terrorist Org by US for over 2yrs it’s NOT 1st terrorist attack she took part in.
She has been an active member of BSO-Azad & had another twitter handle @Shaari_Baloch to hide her links to BSO-A.



It is due to her association with BSO-Azad that she was recruited by BLA to be trained for terrorist attack for their foreign masters.

She used that under cover account to seek release of Rashid Baloch BLA terrorist mastermind of BLA attack at Chinese consulate in Karachi.


She used that old account until mid of 2021 until she left her home to join BLA suicide training camps in Afghanistan/Iran.

That’s when she created a new public account & 1st post tagged her dentist husband who seems to know & still support her suicide terrorist mission.


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