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Vote like your life depends on it! #RaptureFaster aka Karen 😈🤠🥳🍳🪣

Apr 28, 2022, 15 tweets

Little late to the traveling Qircus today; catching up

I bet they'll miss California paradise 😅🥳

If you're not an hour early you are LATE🥳

Stat together blabla
Use the restroom blabla

This guy says thanks for fighting for California

This asshole🙄

Omg gay cowboy spoken word porn!!!

Comedy gold…

The prideful porno pandering people's poet preacher


Call the undertaker I'm dead…

Omg I usually skip this asshole!!!
So glad I didn't today…

The hipthrusts are chefs kiss🥳😘…

I needed a cigarette break after that.

I'm back🥳

Beautiful family 🙄

@threadreaderapp plz unroll 🏳️‍🌈🤠

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