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25. NHL/MLB/NFL/NCAAFB/NBA/WAG/BVB/Detroit Sports. #OnePride #GoBlue/#L1C4 2021 WAG NCAA Champs 〽️! Proud Salem Rock 2016 and Football Coach 2023! RT /= Agree

Apr 29, 2022, 38 tweets

Jameson Williams Video Thread Time Baby!!! Lets Go! Man I’m just now calming down from this pick like 8-9 Hours Later lol
Time to get yall just as fired up about this as I am #OnePride Nation! This is gonna be one heck of a fun one coming up below!!! 🔥 🎉

Now, a lot of the plays I show will be plays he’s not even targeted, and that’s going to be an overarching theme from this thread. Watching this guy play even without the ball in his hands just makes me jitter with glee. A simple short route concept here but look at the spacing!

Next play Jamo displays a smooth, soft round cut here on a dig route towards mid field. Unfortunately Bryce targets the safer underneath throw on the move here, but Jamo also has space to run which you will see later on in this thread.

Now he’s not Deebo “hey let’s put him at Runningback” as a ball carrier, but his ability to be a threat as a ball carrier in motion will really help Goff or any other potential future QB. Huge for diagnosing coverages as well as creating natural spacing to give him room to run.

Next play we get our first real look at his jab step and hard cut. We’ll see more of his stop/start and COD later, but he displays here a nice subtle inside move that still maintains his speed and quickness here instead of going for a full hard redirect/double move style cut.

Here we get to see two things really show up.
1- His *ELITE* Acceleration and first step quickness off the line (maybe even more impressive than his actual speed tbh lol)
And 2- His mental traits to find the open space at the end of the play via Coverage Recognition.

A target! Yay!
And of course a catch.
First off, take a look at the route running here. It’s a “simple” out route, but his explosion and COD out of his break is just awesome, and of course the fun part is RAC RAC RAC! He takes a pass that many guys take 5 yards and gets a 1st.

Here’s a fun one!
1- Look at the footwork to get off the line using his legs at the X spot vs Press.
2- His understanding of leverage to not just create but maximize space in the intermediate.
3- Speed to ensure space at the end of the play down the field while avoiding Coverage.

Remember how I just showed the release where he wins with footwork? Well, he also knows how to win with his hand usage and activity as well when needed and has a variety of moves to pull out vs various types of corners and matchups stylistically to attack a Corner’s weaknesses.

This is a play with him in the slot. Unfortunate that Bryce Young somehow overthrew this pass when Jamo is running full speed lol, but I really like how Jamo takes this space here and attacks cross field. He can attack all 9 areas of the field on any snap from any alignment.

So, we’ve seen him win with his lower half and upper half both at the line, what happens when he puts it together? Plays like this one. Pressure leading to a bad throw aside, Jamo had plenty of space to work here if Bryce was able to make a throw from a clean pocket outside.

This is what Brad Holmes was talking about yesterday during his post draft presser. Jamo plays TOUGH and is very willing to make plays over the middle of the field. Bryce Young stares him down as the only read which draws the safety down but Jamo still makes a contested catch.

The other thing I will point out about this clip aside from the contested catching is that this is a clean Hands Catch. While he’s not *consistently* a Hands Catcher, he’s 1000% got the hands to continue to grow in this area and he already has a very high catch rate at 96%.

Now unfortunately the broadcast angle doesn’t show how he gets so wide open here, but uh, it’s a pretty epic double move on a Sluggo from the All 22 Highlights. Just elite COD in and out of breaks, elite stop and go, and of course it leads to an easy TD.

A lot is made about Jamo’s Deep Threat Ability, Verticality, etc. but these are the plays that will make him not just a Decoy but a Legitimate threat. 2nd and 2, Creates a TON of space with a nice out cut and easily picks up a first by creating maximum separation.

This is one of those plays I talk about where he’s not targeted or even looked at but that made me REALLY take notice of him during grading. The Stop and Go ability here is incredible, and while all the talk is omg 4.2 speed, please don’t overlook the equally Insane COD. Goodness

Leaving the first play in to help exaggerate the point from the second, look at the motor on display here running a fairly useless route. Then he gets the ball in his hands, and still has full gas in the tank to break tackles and finish his RAC when he does get his chances. 💙

Now THIS is a huge fav play of mine. In Basketball, this is called “Gravity”. He runs a short route behind the LOS and draws TWO Defenders down which opens up the other receiver on his side for a one on one shot into the end zone down the field. HE *ELEVATES* SURROUNDING TALENT!

Another favorite of mine for the same reasons. Dude draws the LB not only away from the TE, but also from the right flat, which leaves that entire zone vacant for another receiver to exploit. In words of Ben Johnson, he “Dictates Coverage”. He’s earned this respect.

Cool cool so he does all these fun little things when he’s not even getting the ball, let’s see him get a target!
Well, the route running here speaks for itself.
On 3rd and 5 he executes an Elite Out Cut and creates a TON of space to pick up 10 and extend the drive.

How does he do this? Well, the deep speed is definitely a part of it, the DB has to respect his verticality, but this is not a vertical route at all. He does WAY more than “tall man run fast” receivers of the past. He excels in a major way technically, also including routes.

Big fan of this play. Elite timing to cut this off not at the first down marker or at a specific depth or any landmark, but to adjust to the coverage, read the defense and ensure maximum separation and space creation and give himself the most room possible to #RackUpRac

This is right after the wide open TD where nobody even bothers to cover him, on the two point conversion, he does an excellent job here displaying high level body control, fluidity and smooth movement and then finishes with an elite hands catch aggressively attacking the ball.

Again, I love the Gravity here. He draws the defender outside on the drag and it frees up what really should have been a simple throw over the middle of the field that Bryce just… IDK what happened there lol.
Jamo did his job tho. Honestly he could have gotten target w space too

This play will conclude the TAMU game, however I will have more games to add to this thread over the rest of the day later this afternoon to share and cover.
For now though, I need to update a couple things before I attempt to get some sleep before a Day 2 that can’t top this 😂

Okie dokie, time for Game #2 #OnePride Lions Fam! Got a couple hours till round two opens up and I want to keep hitting on some of these points and revisit/bump this for the afternoon peeps who missed this last night.

Going to start with this play again, really displaying his high level mental traits. Coverage Recognition, Timing, Anticipation of the throwing window, and understanding how to attack the entire defense and not just win a one on one assignment.

While he’s not selling a hard cut double move here, his ability to sell the outside leverage and vertical stem before breaking off is very high level and his stop/start, acceleration and most importantly COD is just as good if not more impressive than his straight line speed.

Earlier this morning in Part 1 I talked about “Gravity” and ability to draw coverage.
I mean this is LOL Laughable. Jameson Williams draws not JUST a Double, but FOUR(!!!) dudes in coverage here which leaves Metchie open for a one on one in space on his half of the field. WOW!

So what happens when you only single cover him? Well… This. Jamo does an excellent job selling the inside leverage here and then SNAP and he’s running a corner with nobody within YARDS of him. Unfortunately a Brutal throw from Bryce Young misses him but Jamo does his part.

Oh. Yeah. And Fast Man Runs Faster than Other Fast Men.
But look, jokes aside, Jamo is BEHIND(!!!) the coverage when this throw is released. Bryce trusts him so much to get this he not only throws into very tight double coverage but throws it when he’s not even Even/Leaving Yet!

So then the next play he’s on the field, he does this- executing this quick slant from the slot very well to draw the slot defender in and keep him out of the play as much as possible with his quick, shifty feet, patience, and coverage recognition.

Now this is definitely the most translatable part of his game and the thing that’s most exciting. Yeah we saw the long TD pass down field, but this might be his best play this game. He wins at the line with quick footwork and lower half release, explodes out of the Cut, then RAC!

Now ideally he’s a little more active at the *end* of the play once Bryce gets out and rolls right rather than coverage drawing underneath, but I love the mental process he goes through first taking the hitch reading zone, then changes to the crossing route vs Man Transitions.

Williams ability to cut off the deep route is maybe even more impressive than his ability to finish it.
He makes an excellent decision here to come back to this ball reading and recognizing the coverage, adjusts mid play to maximize space, then excellent contested catch + RAC!

Ooo another Fast Man Runs Fast Play! Shiny Flashing Light!

But MY GOODNESS the Mental Traits on display here. This is ELITE Coverage Recognition and while he *could* have flattened this to go more lateral, he splits the zone SO well here and his ability to avoid coverage is 😘!

The skills that Jameson shows mentally with his instinctive understanding of coverage, defensive coverage structure and his ability to recognize and adjust to how a defense is playing him in real time mid play and mid game is just absolutely extraordinary and phenomenally rare.

With that said, that is the end of game two of this thread, Jameson Williams taking on Arkansas. Part one of Jameson Williams vs TAMU is posted in a connected thread linked to the first tweet.
I may post a 3rd game in a little bit, we’ll see, but hope you all have had some Fun!

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