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Apr 29, 2022, 6 tweets

#TheBigFight | "... therefore, we think that we should bring this to the notice of the highest authority... the one voice that carries weight in India is of the Prime Minister": Najeeb Jung, Former Lt Governor, Delhi on ex-Bureaucrats' letter to PM

#TheBigFight | Ranbir Singh Pathania (@pathania_rs), BJP Spokesperson, on the instances of hate speeches in India

#TheBigFight | "When we raise our voice against this (communal hate), they accuse us of ruining the image of the religion": @PawanKhera, Spokesperson, Congress

#TheBigFight | "It's the job of the state government to control riots": Yashovardhan Azad (@yashoazad), former IPS officer

#TheBigFight | @Mihira_Sood, Advocate, Supreme Court, on hate speeches

#TheBigFight | Ashwani Dubey, Advocate, Supreme Court, on hate speeches

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