Mira Santika Profile picture
sometimes I tweet random shit // NCT, au, and ship 💚 // ✨my masterlist ✨: https://t.co/02ar94utnF

Apr 29, 2022, 15 tweets

#jaeren #jayren some tweet au

Photographer June never expected his tweet to be noticed by one of his favorite models, the famous Jeffrey Jung.

Starting with a mere joke, who would have thought that the handsome model also had feelings for him?

01: Wrong account (?)

02: Meanwhile....

03: 🙂

04: uwuwuwu

05: Soon, Baby... soon...

06: 😉

07: nyehehe

08: 😃

09: so....

10: 🍑❤️🦊


@threadreaderapp please unroll this tweet

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