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🇨🇦🐍 Femail core developer • Staff Software Engineer @Uplight • 🐍🍒⛏️🤖 • 🐍🌮🍕 • 🐍🌚🤖 • 📜🤖 • I am not open, parts of me are broken • She/her

Apr 30, 2022, 14 tweets

#PyConUS2022 @SaraIssaoun Keynote
Remember the famous of the black hole? It was a result of collaboration.
Didn't expect it to end up on front pages. Also didn't expect people to be making lots of memes of it.

#PyConUS2022 during the keynote @SaraIssaoun shows a really cool animation of the galaxy and zooming in until we see the black hole. You should watch the recording for it.

#PyConUS2022 @SaraIssaoun Keynote:
How big of the telescope do we need?
Nobody wanted to fund to the building of such large telescopes..

#PyConUS2022 @SaraIssaoun Keynote
So we're using using the Earth as the telescopes.
We use the telescopes all over the world.

#PyConUS2022 @SaraIssaoun Keynote
The event horizon telescope project started in 2007 using various telescopes all around the world. Throughout the years the telescopes were lost and got decommissioned.

#PyConUS2022 @SaraIssaoun Keynote
It was until 2017 that we have enough telescopes needed to observe process the black hole signals. Not only we have the image of the black hole, but we can learn about how it behaves.

#PyConUS2022 @SaraIssaoun Keynote describes how the data gets processed from pedabytes of data reduced into kilobytes of image that we can see on our phone

#PyConUS2022 @SaraIssaoun Keynote
The most important is this pipeline, supported by Python. And this whole process is a cycle 1.5 year.

#PyConUS2022 @SaraIssaoun Keynote
Each different color in this graph represents data from different telescopes.
Just seeing the graph, we know it's a ring!

#PyConUS2022 @SaraIssaoun Keynote
Even with our data, we still had doubt. Was it really a ring? Our data and our technique says so. What if the other team working using different technique and they didn't see a ring?

#PyConUS2022 @SaraIssaoun Keynote
We met with the other teams to share results.
Tada! all four team shows the same shape: a ring!

#PyConUS2022 @SaraIssaoun Keynote is showing another amazing animation of the black hole. You HAVE to watch the recording.

#PyConUS2022 @SaraIssaoun Keynote
What's next for the Event Horizon Telescope?
- Sagittarius A*
- On May 12, the EHT will reveal a groundbreaking news!
- Also working on the next gen EHT
- Eventually we want to go to space!

#PyConUS2022 @SaraIssaoun Keynote
Thanks to all the Python and open source community for making the EHT happen.

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