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🇨🇦🐍 Femail core developer • Staff Software Engineer @Uplight • 🐍🍒⛏️🤖 • 🐍🌮🍕 • 🐍🌚🤖 • 📜🤖 • I am not open, parts of me are broken • She/her

Apr 30, 2022, 6 tweets

#PyConUS2022 @pwang Keynote: Announcing Py-script!!!
It's Python! inside HTML!!! 🤯

@pwang #PyConUS2022 @pwang Keynote

And asyncio! And blink tag! 🤯
No webserver needed! It's HTML!
It's actual CPython compiler into WASM.

@pwang #PyConUS2022 @pwang Keynote
And now we all got rickrolled! 😆🙃

#PyConUS2022 @pwang Keynote
We can now `import d3`

The pyscript wrapper for d3 was done by a team member in two days ✌️‼️

@pwang #PyConUS2022 @pwang Keynote
Lots of exciting things we wanna do in the future 🤩

#PyConUS2022 @pwang Keynote
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And thanks to everyone involved.
Follow @pyscript_dev !!!

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