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𓉐🏗🏘 Build. Quant. Ja Mjengo

May 2, 2022, 7 tweets

How to retire effectively with your friends on 1 to 5 Acres and do what you wish.


A Survival and Wealth Creation Thread.


How to reduce the tension between You and Your Landlady if you have two trustworthy friends. 😂



Early last year when I realized land was very cheap in Rural Kenya,

I did this tiny sketch at the back of a book I was reading 📚.

This is based on 1 acre. About 105m long by 42m.

The 3 eighth plots at the bottom are the living quarters and 1 to 6 are commercial.


How to Plan 5 Acres for Self-sufficiency.

Teams: A Manifesto by @yaneerbaryam

The increasing complexity of society means professional and personal endeavors will be done in Teams.

While heroic fiction prescribes Individual Striving, we need to learn that being a member of a Team is Heroic.


“You never change things by fighting the existing reality.

To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

— Buckminster Fuller, Architect

3 people living on 1 acre, growing their own food & connected to the world =Freedom

Even Singapore begun with deliberate concepts in 1971

In Geylang Serai, Lee re-drew the road system to turn one large ghetto into 9 small pockets.

The only reason slums continue to exist is because it takes people to create one.

Can they be prevented? Yes. Plan against them.

In summary.

1. Friendship
2. Planning
3. Sacrifice & Savings/Loan
4. Phased Construction
5. Living & Revenues.
6. Multiply and Expand to New Locations.
7. Freedom.

Instead of building one large McMansion in Nairobi, #GoRural


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