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On an X hiatus. Be back in March(ish).

May 2, 2022, 7 tweets

Get out of your room, honey.

Daddy needs to use it to spread hatred and divisiveness online.


When you put as much effort into your Zoom meeting as you did with your latest #FizzmansWackyModel.

In which #Fisman admits that doctors wear masks in operating rooms to protect the patient from bacteria.

Not viruses.

Thanks for catching up, David.

Oh here’s #Fisman saying masks trap cigarette smoke. That’s a good one!

Here’s #Fisman saying masks are just as good as vaccines and using them together is synergy.

You know who uses the term synergy?


This Zoom meeting is a train wreck.

It’s like a prosecutor having their star witness take the stand while unprepared and drunk. 😬

“I didn’t prepare any remarks.”

“N95s trap smoke.”

“Doctors wear masks to protect you from bacteria.”

@CheriDiNovo must be rolling over in her grave.

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