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— she/her | '03 | mainly writes for markhyuck ♡

May 3, 2022, 78 tweets

#mahae: stuck in traffic (i'll be keeping this in my memory)

- (kind of) inspired by what happened to me irl 😭 but this is still fictional !!!
- 69-part tweets
- very fast-paced !

- my characterization of the members ≠ to their personalities irl
- contains profanities
- if you wish to qrt, please do CENSOR their NAMES
- spread the love ♡

- 🚦: i found you on the way -

- fluff na walang plot po ito ! i was just having fun while i wrote this one talaga hehe

🚦: anyway, here it goes!









(forgot to add: don't mind the timestamp unless stated!)



























🚦 a few days later...
























🚦 a few minutes later...





extras 🚥 a year later, after an unexpected turn of events...





🚥 END 🚥

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