Biden/Harris 2024!! Leesa Brown Profile picture
Nature Photographer. Loyal Democrat. Hillary Clinton/Barack Obama/Kamala Harris/Joe Biden Democrat.

May 4, 2022, 9 tweets

Storm to our south made for a lovely sunset tonight. :)

@wxdam @mcclureWX @JeffLast @NDilbeck_Wx

@wxdam @mcclureWX @JeffLast @NDilbeck_Wx More... clouds, and views of the approaching storm (which didn't reach us)

Sunset hitting the lower points of this storm cloud almost made it look like a UFO :)

Storm clouds do some amazing things...

Closer view of those clouds...

Storm Edge

Last - two panoramic views, both of which will be better full-screen, or at least opened up. :)

180 degrees of sunset


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