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Writer, Researcher, Film maker, Teacher. words in @the_Hindu @Mint_Lounge @thecaravanindia @FilmCompanion @thenewsminute @NGTIndia @oltraveller

May 4, 2022, 5 tweets

By the stroke of 8 pm on 4th May 1799, the East India company army was frantically searching for Tipu Sultan's body inside the fort of Srirangapatna led by David Baird. Rajah Khan (Tipu's army commandant) was accompanying the search party to help identify the body. 1/5

A report of Tipu's death in a Philadelphia newspaper. 2/5

An interesting European painting from early 19th century of Tipu's death. I am not sure he got the chance to lie down like this with his family surrounding him @NidhinOlikara - Please add if you know more. 3/5

The famous "Storming of Seringapatam" painting depicting the EIC forces breaking into the famous fort of Srirangapatna. (The breach is marked and can still be viewed) 4/5

Tipu's killing and annexation of Srirangapatna was a historic event for EIC and Britain. It was celebrated with shows such as this all over UK 5/5

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