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May 4, 2022, 24 tweets

A widespread intervention in critical care over the past 20 years has been the use of induced hypothermia post cardiac arrest
➡️ A thread......

➡️ Medically induced hypothermia goes back 5000 years
➡️ The oldest known trauma writings, the Edwin Smith Papyrus (1600 BCE), describes how the Egyptian physician Imhotep (2780 BCE) used localised cooling to treat noninfectious chest blisters

➡️ Almost 2500 years after the teachings of Imhotep were originally recorded, Hippocrates noted how hypothermia, from the use of snow, seemed to decrease traumatic haemorrhage and advocated its use

In the early 18th century, Baron Domineque Jean Larrey, a surgeon in Napoleon's arm, & credited with the first horse drawn ambulance, noticed how hypothermic soldiers
➡️ bled less
➡️ complained less
➡️ less susceptible to the development of gangrene

➡️ The use of hypothermia for neuroprotection gained momentum in 1600 and 1700s
➡️ In 1650, a 22 year old called Anne Greene was sentenced to death by hanging for infanticide
➡️ The punishment was enacted on a cold day, thought to be below 0C

➡️ Despite apparently dying, when her coffin was opened to allow Oxford University medical students the opportunity to perform a dissection for their studies, the young woman showed signs of life
➡️ She was rewarmed, survived, and granted a pardon

➡️ Scottish surgeon John Hunter (1728-93), reputedly on whom Dr Dolittle was based, was fascinated with death
➡️ He investigated states of suspended animation to better understand life & repeatedly froze animals with the aim of reviving them

➡️ Hunter felt if an individual was hypothermic and without organ damage, recovery was possible
➡️ He proposed the modern concepts of resuscitation over 200 years ago - ventilation with bellows, ideally with oxygen, electrical shocks to restart the heart, & slow rewarming

➡️ Modern evidence for neuroprotection with hypothermia came in 1954 in dog experiments by Rosomoff & Holaday
➡️ There was a linear reduction in cerebral oxygen consumption with increasing hypothermia, reaching threefold reduction at 26°C

➡️ In a notable report in 1958, Williams & Spencer described the use of hypothermia in 4 patients post cardiac arrest
➡️ Despite initially poor neurology, 3 survived with good neurological outcome
➡️ The 4th also recovered with just residual visual impairment

➡️ The first non-randomised human study of induced hypothermia post cardiac arrest was in 1959
➡️ Of 12 patients cooled to 31–32°C for up to 8 days, 6 survived
➡️ Of 7 patients not cooled, just 1 survived

➡️ Reported mechanisms of neuroprotection include less ischaemia-reperfusion injury, due to reduced free radical production, excitatory amino acid release, & calcium shifts
➡️ Mild hypothermia may not have a major effect on CMRO2

➡️ On February 21st, 2002, the modern era of induced hypothermia for neuroprotection post cardiac arrest began,
➡️ Two small RCTs investigating cooling post out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) were published in the same edition of the New England Journal of Medicine

➡️ The Austrian HACA trial reported an increase in survival with favourable neurological outcome (55% vs 39%; P=0.009) in 275 patients with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest managed at 32-34°C vs normothermia

➡️ A smaller Australian trial of 77 patients reported a similar benefit (49% vs 26%; P=0.046), when again managed at 33°C vs normothermia (37°C).

➡️ Therapeutic hypothermia was introduced worldwide after the reporting of these trials
➡️ However, a subsequent systematic review revealed these two trials were:
➡️ at risk of bias
➡️ of low quality
➡️ more research was needed

➡️ In 2013, The TTM trial advanced the field when reporting similar outcomes in 950 patients with OHCA when managed at two levels of mild hypothermia - 33°C or 36°C
➡️ 6 month mortality was similar - 50% (33°C) vs 48% (36°C); P = 0.51

Further studies evaluated cooling
➡️ cold fluids intra-arrest (harmful)
➡️ localised intra-arrest cooling with a nasal device (may be beneficial)
➡️ endovascular cooling (similar to surface cooling)
➡️ longer periods of cooling (no difference)…

➡️ The original Austrian & Australian trials were in patients with shockable rhythms
➡️ Would patients with non-shockable rhythms benefit from cooling?
➡️ The French HYPERION trial in 584 patients reported benefit with hypothermia in this group

➡️ As the robust TTM trial had demonstrated similar outcomes in patients with OHCA managed at either 33°C or 36°C, focus returned to whether hypothermia is superior to normothermia

➡️ The followup TTM2 trial compared hypothermia (33°C) with normothermia (<37.5°C) in 1900 patients with OHCA
➡️ There was no difference in 6 month mortality (50% vs 48%; P=0.37)
➡️ Interestingly, there was no benefit in those with a non-shockable rhythm

➡️ So where are we now with induced hypothermia post cardiac arrest?

➡️ Is hypothermia actually beneficial?
➡️ Or is it the maintenance of normothermia & the concomitant avoidance of potentially harmful pyrexia that mediates a potentially valuable effect?

Come to #CCR22

➡️ to hear chief investigator @nielsen_niklas present & discuss TTM2
➡️ to learn about plans for the TTM3 trial, the latest chapter in this ancient story of therapeutic hypothermia

@nielsen_niklas Images from wikipedia & shutterstock

CCR22 is supported by @VisitBelfast @belfastcc @TourismNIreland @norsomedical @MyIntensiveCare


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