Trisha Elliott Profile picture
Interested in life in general and people in particular...

May 6, 2022, 11 tweets

I’m really enjoying this talk from Dr Alice Radley, a renal physician, at the @bgsconf.

It’s all about advanced renal disease and how to support older people with this condition.

It’s quite common!

We need to develop a better supportive care framework for caring for people.

There are some excellent programmes around for “best supportive care” for people with end stage renal disease.


At the end of the day it’s about the individual patient though!


More frailty does affect life expectancy in advanced renal disease.


Though often people misjudge how frail someone is! Beware!

I knew kidneys were complicated!

So many factors affecting renal failure…


So many factors!

Still on renal impairment here…


Pedal your way through your dialysis session! Exercise is a good thing. But still unclear if it’ll affect outcome.


And it all comes back to what’s important to the person themselves…

(I like this slide!)


Another mention of how we sometimes misjudge older people. Some may be suitable for transplant as best treatment.

Back to looking at the individual!


Conservative care is actually very good though in older people and doesn’t have the huge burdens of attending for dialysis.


Anticipatory planning is key in renal failure just like any other long term life limiting condition.


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