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Over 20 years experience building, diagnosing and fixing large scale, high performance systems involving the processing + analysing of huge datasets.

May 6, 2022, 7 tweets

11,076 new #covid19uk positive tests reported today (06-May).

Overall England is DOWN 3% on previous Friday although day-1 lateral flow positives are only down by 1%.

England's rolling average by specimen date has now been dropping since the 21st of March (46 days ago).

Chart to show England positive tests (as of 06-May) by breakdown of first infection events and possible reinfection events.

Possible reinfections were added to the data from 31-Jan and the rolling average vs. total tests is currently about 15%.

Longer term view. 11,076 new #covid19uk positive tests reported today (06-May). This brings the rolling average by specimen date (allowing 4 days for lag) to 11,920, equivalent to around 19-Jun (i.e. 314 days ago), a reduction of 7274 (38%) in the last week.

Closer look at the latest 45 days, with today's added numbers highlighted in yellow. Individual nations and animated England charts further down the thread.

Separate charts for England (9405) Scotland (1226) Wales (129) and Northern Ireland (316). Note the different scales. Also on certain days the specimen-date data for Scotland/Wales/NI doesn't get updated so the yellow bars may be mising or include multiple day's numbers.

Animated chart to show how the #covid19uk positive tests by specimen date have been contributed to by reports over the last 7 days. Note this just includes England numbers as other nations don't always publish their specimen date numbers every day.

Some additional content (mainly variations of the above charts) is available in the full version of the thread here: ……

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