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May 7, 2022, 5 tweets

Rodrigo Duterte’s term as the 16th President of the Philippines has come to an end. Over the past 6 years, his policies and actions shook up the country.

101 East traces the life and legacy of Rodrigo Duterte - aka ‘The Punisher’.

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#GoodbyeDuterte | Episode 1/4

He started out as a lawyer and state prosecutor, then served 22 years as mayor of Davao City in the Philippines. But his biggest assignment was yet to come.

Watch: aje.io/goodbyeduterte1

#GoodbyeDuterte | Episode 2/4

“​​If you feel you are in danger of losing your life, shoot.”

As President of the Philippines, Duterte backed his law enforcement agencies to go hard against drug dealers and users across the country.

Watch: aje.io/goodbyeduterte2

#GoodbyeDuterte | Episode 3/4

Beyond his drug war, President Duterte had to deal with geopolitical foreign policy challenges in the South China Sea as well as civil conflict in the southern Philippines.

Watch: aje.io/goodbyeduterte3

#GoodbyeDuterte | Episode 4/4

Inside President Duterte’s controversial efforts to muzzle the media and silence human rights activists. What is the legacy he leaves behind as the country heads towards #PhilippineElections2022?

Watch: aje.io/goodbyeduterte4

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