#Tweetorial 1/12
#Predatory practices in science communication!
Inspired by #Yash in #KGF2
"Predatory, predatory, predatory! I don't like it! I avoid...But, Predatory likes me; I can't avoid it!"
Sums up current status of predatory practices in India
2/12 Mushrooming of #predatory practices!
Grabbing anything that comes just like that!
Everyone😑falls prey to #Invites from predatory groups
👨🎓Students (Undergraduate & postgraduate)
👩🔬Researchers (junior/senior)
👩🏫Faculty members (junior/senior)
They are Called by Many Names!
3/12 Prevalent predatory practices?
👉Others tinyurl.com/4d8jyx4z
*#fakepapers on demand
*Fake qualifications (#predatoryPhDs)
*Predatory certificates, awards & medals
*Predatory pre-print servers
*Falsification of experimental evidence
4/12 #predatoryjournals prioritize self-interest at expense of scholarship & characterized by false or misleading info, deviation from best editorial & publcn practices, a lack of transparency, &/or use of aggressive & indiscriminate solicitation practices tinyurl.com/3rntzjwr
5/12 Example of solicitation practices of predatory groups
Invite from predatory journal @fake_journals
6/12 Example of #solicitation practices of predatory groups
Invite from a #predatorypublisher (seeking chapter in a book)
7/12 Example of solicitation practices of predatory groups
Some of #predatoryaward organizations: IAAM, VDGOOD, RULA, NESIN, ABRF Awards, InSC Awards, INSO evscienceconsultant.com/blog/predatory…
Invite received for a #predatoryaward
8/12 Example of solicitation practices of predatory groups
Predatory conferences: evscienceconsultant.com/blog/predatory…
Invite received for attending #PredatoryConference
9/12 Never get preyed upon!
How to avoid predatory journals?
Check publisher/journal website;
Use checklists @thinkchecksub
@PubMedOnline @DOAJplus @C0PE
10/12 Never get preyed upon!
Use a checklist to spot #predatoryconferences
Use guidance on trusting a conference to attend (1) Organizers & Sponsors (2) Agenda & Editorial Committee (3) Conference Proceedings available at thinkcheckattend.org
11/12 Never get preyed upon!
Follow institutional guidelines in India without fail!
Take home 12/12
Do not fall prey to invites from predatory groups (journals, awards, conferences & meetings)
There are no shortcuts to scientific achievements...
There is no alternative to hard work ….
Join India's fight against #predatory
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