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May 8, 2022, 13 tweets

LIVE: Senator Panfilo Lacson casts his vote in Imus, Cavite #PHVote #WeDecide facebook.com/rapplerdotcom/…

Presidential bet @iampinglacson answers questions from the media. He says he feels optimistic today, Election Day. facebook.com/rapplerdotcom/…

On his survey performance, Lacson says he's not losing hope. #PHVote #WeDecide


Lacson now inside the polling precinct. #PHVote #WeDecide

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More photos of presidential bet @iampinglacson at the polling precinct. #PHVote #WeDecide

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Outside the premises of Bayan Luma 1 Elementary School, Lacson again answers questions from the media. #PHVote #WeDecide facebook.com/rapplerdotcom/…

Senator Panfilo Lacson has cast his ballot for the 2022 elections. Process took around 10 minutes from falling in line to dropping his ballot off. | via @ramboreports #PHVote #WeDecide

What will @iampinglacson do now? Lacson says he will spend the entire day watching shows on Netflix as he waits for the results to come in. | via @ramboreports #PHVote #WeDecide

Lacson’s message to his 2022 opponents: No more fighting, it’s time to think of Filipinos. | via @ramboreports #PHVote #WeDecide

As he fell in line, @iampinglacson spoke with voters here about their family histories. Lacson is a known “son of Imus” and of Cavite.

The Maliksi family of Imus backed his presidential campaign. He even held his proclamation rally here. #PHVote #WeDecide

@iampinglacson WATCH: Voters wait for around 2 hours here at Buhay na Tubig in Imus, Cavite to vote.

People who just finished voting waited since 6:30 am. People here at the end of the queue have been in line since 8 am. | via @ramboreports #PHVote #WeDecide

Scene inside the Buhay na Tubig Elementary School. These are voters who are waiting for their senior citizen relatives and friends before leaving. | via @ramboreports #PHVote #WeDecide

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