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ONE PIECE theory and speculation account. Let's have fun with this. WARNING: Posts will contain spoilers. . . . . . . . (The One Piece is going to be a...!)

May 9, 2022, 23 tweets

One Piece Theory:

The Voice of All Things. The Road Poneglyphs. Bink’s Sake. The Drums of Liberation. Everything is connected - and it all leads to Laugh Tale and the One Piece.

Why were the Roger Pirates "too early"? In this thread, we'll find out.

#onepiece #onepiecetheory

In this thread, I’m going to share three ideas, and then weave them together into one big idea.

This is One Piece, after all. Nothing is ever straightforward.

Also, spoilers spoilers spoilers. If you don't want to be potentially spoiled, turn back. Now shall we set sail?

Idea #1: I believe that the “voice” of all things isn’t literally a voice - it’s vibration.

In Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism, there’s a symbol called ‘om’ - the sacred sound that’s considered to be the sound of the universe.

This is the inspiration for the “voice”.

It’s believed that the single word can produce powerful and positive vibrations that allow you to feel the whole universe - as if you’re part of one piece.

What Luffy, Ruger, and the other listeners are actually hearing is the vibration that resides in all objects.

I think high level “listeners” can also alter vibrations so that they can communicate without speaking…but that’s another idea altogether.

We’ve actually seen some hints that Luffy can hear things differently.

That’s how he was able to detect which of Doc Q’s apples were safe to eat, back in Jaya. It’s how he was able to detect which was the fake Mr 3, back in Little Garden.


On a deeper level, it might be also the reason he knows who he can trust, and it defines how he relates to his crue - he can hear people’s hearts - like an in-built polygraph.

It’s also interesting to note that the symbol for om itself, looks like the silhouette of Nika.

Another interesting thought - maybe that's what Mr 3's hair symbolizes?

I believe that ‘om’ directly inspired Oda, and that sound and vibrations are of great importance.

Idea #2 The Poneglyphs hold another secret that’s related to sound or vibration.

If you think about it - it’s pretty lame if all it took to find the greatest treasure on the planet is a rubbing that can be easily photographed and copied.

There MUST be something else.

The word poneglyph can actually be broken down into two - the second part, glyph means symbol.

The first part, pone, or phono-, means sound or voice.

The poneglyphs are artefacts of both ‘sound’ and ‘symbol’

The Rio Poneglyphs have been said to be able to "speak" - I think that the secret to the poneglyphs don’t just exist in the carvings, but in the “sound” that has been imbued in them.

Visually, I think this is what the hammering of the poneglyphs symbolizes.

The Road Poneglyphs, which are deep red, hold another secret - but we’ll get to that at the end.

Idea #3: Bink’s Sake contains instructions for how to get to Laugh Tale and the One Piece.

It’s no coincidence that in Chapter 967, Roger’s Crew was singing that song in the journey to Laugh Tale.

The important bit is in the fourth verse.

“Now comes a storm through the far-off sky; Now the waves are dancing” 🎶

The entrance to Laugh Tale will be indicated by dark skies and turbulent seas.

The next line is the key here: "Beat upon the drums"

This was the Roger Pirates' mistake - while they did find Laugh Tale, they were "too early".

Actually, they weren't too early - they just missed a step. They did not beat upon the drum.

And what could that drum be?

The Drums of Liberation, of course. The Drums that are linked to the Warrior of Liberation himself. 🥁

I think that In order to "get" the One Piece, one has to bring the Drums of Liberation to the chosen place and beat upon them.

Doom dut da da!

Another question - where might the Drums be?

And thus, we come to the secret of the Road Poneglyphs. I believe the Drums of Liberation are hidden inside them.

Oda’s already hinted it to us; the Kozuki crest, which looks like a drum, overlooks the Road Poneglyph in Zou.

But wait, aren't the poneglyphs "indestructible"?

This might be an incorrect belief held by the world because they didn’t know what the citizens of Wano know.

There’s a concept introduced in Wano that the rest of the world does not know about: Ryuo.

By using Ryuo, and the flow of haki, one can break the Poneglyphs from the inside and release the Drums of Liberation.

This might also be why Wano closed their borders - so that the technique that can destroy the poneglyphs is kept within.

To sum it up:

In order to "get" the One Piece, Luffy will have to obtain all the Road Poneglyphs, destroy them using Ryuo, free the Drums of Liberation from within, and finally, bring them to the coordinates of Laugh Tale and beat upon them. 😮

Sound, music, "voice", laughter, heartbeat, song - these are all related to Laugh Tale and the treasure found within it. At last, the world can be united by sound.

Wild, huh? Maybe it'll all turn out to be wrong, but it's a fun idea for sure.

In my next theory, I'll talk about the location of Laugh Tale.

Here's a hint: the tamil symbol for Om looks eerily like another location in One Piece...

Thank you for reading! Do like and RT. 😄

One more thing: @TypicalJAnt's done a theory on the Voice of All Things too; but with a slightly different angle - the music of the universe. Check it out too.

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