Roel Raymond Profile picture
Journalist | Founder @brieflk 🇱🇰↔️🇬🇧

May 9, 2022, 19 tweets

Video from when I arrived at GGG earlier today. By this time pro-govt supporters had already attacked both #MainaGoGama and GGG. Tear gas had already been fired.

#GotaGoHome protestors were attempting to put fire out. People were upset, angry but still staying in control. They were exhorting armed forces to intervene.

And then Mujibur Rahman arrived from Galadari side. He was walking fast and purposely w/ few others past #GGG and towards where pro-gov. supporters were some distance away. He was STOPPED by GGG protestors who were INTENT on deescalating situ and didn’t want any1 going there.

He went ahead anyway. From the other side (Galle Face Hotel side) Sajith arrived with Eran. Couldn’t see if there was anyone else. They were chased away by GTG protestors who didn’t want them there. Missed getting that part on vid.

Military arrived in numbers. Note, they were facing GTG protestors who were still very restrained despite being very upset and angry.

STF on the one side and GTG protestors on the other. Note, those near STF were either media or some very angry GTH protestors. Rest of GTG protestors a GREAT distance away, as visible in video. Protestors themselves were calling on each other ‘not to go that way’.

More STF brought in, GGH protestors now closer to STF but lawyers stand in the middle to keep the peace. Situation was still under control at this point and media presence very visible.

Two water cannon trucks made their way towards the GGH protestors. Even at this point, despite the violence unleashed on MGG and GGG, every effort was being made to keep things peaceful. But the water cannon trucks were here.

Met this ⭐️ there. Had to take a selfie 😬

Met lots more people there. Despite GTH protestors continued chants situation was NOT out of control and had not descended into mob violence. Even when I left later in the night situation at GTG was not violent.

At least three rows of STF by this point.

Another lot of GTH supporters began to approach from Galle Face hotel side. Although they came close they were not allowed through to join GTG protesters. Army very tense.

One row of STF suddenly began to move from outside OGF towards Galle Face Hotel. We didn’t know at that time but another group of GGH protestors were en route and they were on their way to stop them.

Moving *very* fast towards Galle Face Hotel.

But attempts by the STF to stop GGH protestors passing through failed — protestors broke through several times. I was expecting tear gas/water cannons at any time. Water cannon trucks did come.

Trucks were prevented from coming through and eventually turned away.

A bus with police officers and the two water cannon trucks were turned away. There was no violence and media presence strong. So many people had stepped out onto the streets by now and were joining the protest and it was clear forces couldn’t contain.

Atmosphere very jubilant at this stage. Since I was here and network bad at the best of times, I was not aware that the situation had turned violent elsewhere. It was around this time that I began hearing about pro-gov supporters being stripped naked and beaten etc.

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