Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene🇺🇸 Profile picture
Christian, Mother, American, Business Owner, and Congresswoman representing Georgia’s 14th District | Chairwoman @DOGECommittee

May 10, 2022, 10 tweets

In the America LAST $40 BILLION Ukraine FIRST bill that we are voting on tonight, there is authorization for funds to be given to the CIA for who knows what and who knows how much?

But NO BABY FORMULA for American mothers!

$54 million for #Covid4Ever

Why not just keep Title 42 in place?

And $900 million to be given to “qualified” organizations and non-profits, aka friends and family of politicians “businesses,” to provide wrap-around services (look that one up), housing, medical, and just free everything.

But NO BABY FORMULA for American mothers.

Anyone that just walked through Ukraine qualifies for resettlement!

But NO BABY FORMULA for American mothers!

And entitlement programs.

All of the entitlement programs?

BUT NO BABY FORMULA for American mothers!

Slush fun for the State Department for Ukraine AND other countries.

And a brand new embassy in Ukraine, presumably.

BUT NO BABY FORMULA for American mothers!

WHY does $17 MILLION go to President Biden in the $40 billion bill for Ukraine??

Haven’t the Biden’s made enough money in Ukraine?

Is this for Hunter?

BUT NO BABY FORMULA for American mothers!

Nope, Democrats hate babies.

Inside and outside the womb.

$8,766,000,000 for ECONOMIC SUPPORT to Ukraine and “other countries” while American farmers and small businesses can barely keep going!!!

To combat human trafficking???

What about OUR border???

$760,000,000 for FOOD INSECURITY?


This money should be funding the CBP to defend and secure our border, NOT funding the #NATONazis.

AND NO MONEY FOR BABY FORMULA for American mothers!!!

Money for European banksters and Global Agriculture and Food Security after US sanctions contributed to rising food famines and inflation.

But our farmers are barely making it and NO BABY FORMULA for Americans mothers!

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