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May 10, 2022, 32 tweets

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‘The Seed Of A Revolution’: The Christian Dominionist War On Abortion, Part III

“This is the seed, if we will, it’s the seed of a revolution that can change America,” Lou Engle, said..referring to teens &preteens in the room..”…

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Ending abortion is foremost among the young generation’s assignments, The Ramp teaches. While preaching at The Ramp in 2006, Engle compared ending Roe v. Wade to “overthrowing segregation in Alabama in 1963.”

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“I want you to pray for your generation that it would be said that a great generation came forth from the South &overthrew the altars of Ba’al,overthrew the altars of sexual immorality,overthrew the altars of abortion &brought forth the greatest awakening..”

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“We’re dreaming dreams of revolution,nothing less..I’m not saying total dominion.I’m saying when Christ returns it will be total dominion,but until then we’re in a massive war in establishing the kingdom &learning to rule right now as kings &priests w/Christ”

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W/his history of opposing Roe v. Wade,landmark ‘73 SCOTUS ruling declaring abortion a right,Alito won plaudits from anti-abortion Christian activists who backed Bush. In ‘92,O’Connor joined a 5/4 majority to uphold abortion rts in Planned Parenthood v. Casey

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Throughout the Trump presidency, Christian dominionists &right-wing legal orgs pushed him to appoint anti-abortion judges.The Alliance Defending Freedom, set the stage for a case challenging Roe v. Wade at the U.S. Supreme Court.

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When Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg died weeks before the 2020 election, Engle called it a “prophetic” moment that could herald “the beginning of the end of abortion.”

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Christian dominionists “understood what they were up against” in the battle against abortion.They began building institutions,rearing leaders, collecting donors, crafting philanthropies and creating media outlets they needed to “prevail in their revolution.”

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“There is no secular anti-choice movement. It is led by fringe zealots who want to make abortion impossible to access,” she said, waving her index finger in the direction of anti-abortion activists who were attempting to drown her out with bullhorns.

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“As a Catholic,I am well aware that we are fighting a rt-wing religious ideology borne of white men who are desperate to control the bodies of women,trans,non-binary &queer ppl because they have a desperate need to limit our freedom,our equality &our power..

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Abortion laws like Mississippi’s 15-week ban, Mason argued, “affect people who are already broken and crucified by the sinful structures of systemic racism, gender inequality, economic insecurity and immigration restrictions.”

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“I shut them up..they didn’t know what to do..showed me the power..crucial role faith voices have in this fight to take back..narrative from this white supremacist,Christian nationalist,anti-feminist movement &to reclaim..moral high ground that we deserve”

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White supremacist groups have long opposed abortion—at least for white women. In 19th century,anti-abortion sentiment grew among white Anglo-Saxon Protestants in reaction to arrival of Irish &Italian Catholic immigrants, who they did not consider white..

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White supremacists feared that, with their large families due Catholicism’s opposition to contraception, the Catholic immigrants would demographically overtake white Protestants.

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TX-based Patriot Front,white nationalist group,took part in annual anti-abortion March For Life. Last month,March For Life said it condemns”any org that seeks to exclude a person or group of ppl based on color of their skin or any other characteristic”..

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“..because they are “counter to our mission which recognizes that all human lives are equal from the moment of conception: equality begins in the womb.”

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68% of American Catholics believe Roe v. Wade should not be overturned;70% of all Americans agree.
But..Catholic church’s anti-abortion teachings predate even the rise of the evangelical anti-abortion movement,which began in earnest only after Roe v. Wade

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“And so later on,in the 70’s, evangelicals thought,’Wow,that’s really effective.’Evangelicals couldn’t do segregation arguments any more, &they had defeated the (Equal Rights Amendment),so abortion became the pivot &they played this very succesful long game

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“But ultimately, it’s Catholic ideology we’re fighting against—these notions of when life begins and personhood and life beginning at conception.”

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“We were called diabolical by an archbishop. We were called Judas by the cardinal of Washington, D.C. We were criticized by some progressives,” she said. “And we also got such expressions of gratitude from Catholics who do not feel seen at all.”

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Rev. Angela Williams, Presbyterian Minister, says the goal is “to build infrastructure” and “take back the public square” from white evangelicals who dominate religious discussions about abortions.

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“..a big factor in all of this is that the progressive movement and progressive people of faith were just caught flat-footed and were always in more of a defensive stance..So we are in a defensive stance..

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“..but now we are taking proactive action to be supportive &care for ppl in our communities who deserve access to abortion care,who deserve access to health care who deserve to make the from shame,judgment,stigma &state-sanctioned violence.”

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Pro-choice advocates are drawing inspiration from “lessons we learned in the LGBTQ and faith movement”..the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges decision, which ended state bans on same-sex marriage, as “a great watershed moment.”

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How did ppl change their minds on it?It wasn’t by battling scripture or making a really good theological argument. It was based on relationships &saying,’Oh,my kid’s gay. My cousin’s gay..&I love them &raised them in church.And taught them in Sunday school’

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They had stories about unmarried women who were discovered to be pregnant &stood before the congregation—not the guys,the girls—&made to disclose their pregnancies, stripped of any position in the church..ostracized,criticized &didn’t receive any support..

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I was given a number of reasons for abortions.Economics &timing,but unanimously,each of the women indicated that the reason their abortions was to avoid the shame,the condemnation, ostracism &the treatment she would receive if she disclosed her pregnancy..

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..57% of Muslim Americans believe abortion should be legal in all or most circumstances.

at least 9 Muslim-majority countries have more permissive abortion laws than Alabama: Tunisia,Kuwait,Bahrain,Turkey, Morocco,UAE,Jordan,Qatar &Saudi Arabia.

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There shall be no compulsion in religion..I cannot impose on anyone my own beliefs or my religion or my interpretation of the religion I belong to. So should be left to the woman herself &the physician &it should not be imposed by a state law.

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But Mississippi’s top leaders have repeatedly signaled their willingness to use state power to implement their religious beliefs..

Together, we’re going to save millions of babies and ensure expecting mothers receive the quality care they deserve..

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MS Solicitor Gen Stewart argued before SCOTUS &asked the justices to overturn Roe v. Wade.She proclaimed her office pursued Dobbs case”because God selected this case.” When court issues its ruling June 2022,”we’re going into a new world, post-Roe v. Wade.”

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