winrina au 📌 | minayeon au 📌 Profile picture
Hi! AUs on pinned. Mimo au at @nadahyos_ profile.

May 10, 2022, 43 tweets


Where Ryujin is just a regular college student, except when she’s also spider-woman who has a huge crush on the schools most popular girl Yeji.

-Takes pictures for the school newspaper
- Likes to draw
- Has a huge crush on Yeji
- She also fight people as Spider Woman

- Dance team captain
- Popular
- Works at the school newspaper
- Good at everything she does

Ryujin’s friends:

- Ryujins best friend
- The only one that knows her secret
- Can talk her way out of anything

- Knows Ryujin for a while but they’re not that close
- Good with computers
- Works in the school newspaper

Yeji’s friends

- Popular for her singing
- Dance team
- Yejis best friend

- A mystery to everyone
- Very supportive
- Works in the school newspaper

- Yeji’s brother
- Secretly smart
- Known for being an asshole

Hi! Welcome to the Spider-man Ryeji AU!

- Don't pay a lot of attention to the time stamps.
- Obviously a work of fiction. Don't take it too seriously.
- I'll try to keep daily updates!
- Interact, quote, send me ccs. I love hearing your thoughts.

If you like my work and would like to buy me a coffee!! here is the link!

Now enjoy the au as much as I enjoyed writing it!

1. sandwich

2. sidekick

3. swing by

4. loser

5. amazing

6. extra work

7. intimidating

8. dead

9. coffee

10. 🤨

11. everyone knows

12. new one

13. evil presence

14. delete this

15. betrayal

16. im quitting

17. being watched

18. too soon

19. who is this?

20. helpless

21. not yet

22. looks nice

23. news

24. get a job!

25. too casual

26. depends

27. last night

28. new face

29. haters gonna hate

30. woman kiss me

31. do not

32. boring and annoying

33. totally worth it

34. finally free

35. not on my watch

How are you liking the au so far? Let me know!

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