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Horizons supports and inspires health & care change activists to learn, share & mobilise for improvement. Tweets by Leigh and Zarah.

May 11, 2022, 28 tweets

💙🎉CONGRATULATIONS 🎉💙 to everyone shortlisted in the very first NHS Improvement Awards! We're looking forward to hearing more about your brilliant work during The Big Conversation for Improvement today/tomorrow



🎉Congratulations to Stephanie Hares and Dr Adrian Hayes at @AWPNHS shortlisted for PD and Me in the Improving Through Co-Production category


🎉Congratulations to @CheshireWestICP shortlisted in the Improving Through Co-production category for the true integration of health and care services to support people in their communities


🎉Congratulations @NoBarriersHere shortlisted in the Improving Through Co-Production category for improving accessibility and understanding of palliative and end of life care services


🎉Congratulations to NHS, Education, Parent Carer Forums, Third Sector Organisations in North Cumbria shortlisted in the Improving Through Co-Production category for the Accelerator Project


🎉Congratulations to @WorcsAcuteNHS shortlisted in the digitally enabled transformation category for the #CallMe Project


🎉Congratulations to @WorcsAcuteNHS @OFFICIALWMAS shortlisted in the service-led improvement category for same day emergency care to manage ambulatory patients


🎉Congratulations to @RCPCHtweets shortlisted in the spreading change and improvement across systems category for establishing quality improvement training programmes


🎉Congratulations to @VBagshaw @EdCoxNHS and all leading the #StayAndThrive project shortlisted in the spreading change and improvement across systems category for the retention of internationally-recruited nurses


🎉Congratulations to @FutureNHS shortlisted in the spreading change and improvement across systems category for enabling rapid acceleration of virtual collaboration for improvement across organisations and systems


🎉Congratulations to NHS South, Central and West CSU shortlisted in the spreading change and improvement across systems category for creating a national immunisation service


🎉Congratulations to @ChelwestFT shortlisted in the digitally enabled transformation category for utilising digital tools to improve the scheduling of elective procedures and making better use of demand and capacity


Congratulations to @ChelwestFT , ChelWest Maternity Voices Partnership, CW Innovation shortlisted in the Digitally Enabled Transformation category for reimagining postnatal ward care


🎉Congratulations to @BSUH_NHS shortlisted in the digitally enabled transformation category for implementing electronic referral forms from acute care to community discharge services


🎉Congratulations to @SeeAbility shortlisted in the Improving Health Equity category for addressing an unmet need for eye care amongst children with learning disabilities


🎉Congratulations to @WhitHealth shortlisted in the Improving Health Equity category for the See ME first initiative


🎉Congratulations to Citizens Advice Liverpool shortlisted in the improving health equity category for Citizens Advice on Prescription Liverpool


🎉Congratulations to NHS South, Central and West CSU shortlisted in the improving health equity category for addressing cultural health inequalities through targeted communications


🎉Congratulations to @BWH_NHS shortlisted in the service-led improvement category for reducing term neonatal admissions by implementing enhanced staff training and support


Congratulations to the orthoptic team at @nhsuhcw shortlisted in the service led improvement category for the revised paediatric eye emergency service


Congratulations to NHS South, Central and West CSU shortlisted in the service led improvement category for improving Somerset Special Educational Needs and Disabilities services


🎉Congratulations @WhitHealth shortlisted in the service led improvement category for bringing practical aviation human factors training into clinical practice


🎉Congratulations to Cancer Experience of Care Improvement Collaboratives shortlisted in the collaborating for improvement category


Congratulations @carerswiltshire shortlisted in the collaborating for improvement category for establishing the courage to care service to support carers in serving armed forces families


🎉Congratulations @TeamIOWNHS @ULHT_News @TeamQEH shortlisted in the collaborating for improvement category for enabling and supporting the recovery of organisations experiencing a significant range of categories


Congratulations @SomersetFT Somerset CCG and partners shortlisted in the collaborating for improvement category for developing and delivering new ways of working for the Somerset mental health system to enhance care


💙🎉Again a HUGE congratulations to everyone shortlisted in the very first NHS Improvement Awards! 🎉💙

Thank you to all shortlisted for all your brilliant work.

The winners will be announced at 4.15 today. Join us! thebigconversation.nhs.uk


Find out more about the fantastic work shortlisted teams has been doing in the Awards Showcase starting at 10.35



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