Matt Cameron Profile picture
Practicing, teaching, & writing on US #immigrationlaw. Triple Gemini. Chaotic Good.

May 11, 2022, 9 tweets

I've always said that ICE's lawless excesses would inevitably become too big for Americans to ignore, and while that day may not be here yet this report should get us there a little faster. This goes *so* far beyond immigration enforcement


You should already care that ICE constantly lies to the public and the courts about the people it rips from their families, detains in terrible conditions, and violently deports. But a lot of US citizens don't + never will, so let's say you're one of them. This report is for you

Read this paragraph, and then read it again, and then read it out loud to someone nearby and start a conversation about why an immigration agency has any right to conduct warrantless surveillance on all of us in the course of enforcing non-criminal statutes

"small government conservative" or "person who supports ICE"

pick one, you don't get to be both

If you can read this and think that ICE should not only still exist but should be expanded, you're not a "conservative." You're a fascist.

I welcome the support of everyone who has been yelling about "states rights" since the Alito draft leak in the struggle to #abolishICE. Surely if the states can deny women healthcare they can try to mitigate this unaccountable surveillance state, who's with me

Fascism always starts with claims of threats to the nation's borders which justify extralegal measures, usually before letting border cops loose in the interior and identifying domestic threats among us.

This has all happened before elsewhere. It's already here, now.

If you haven't already, please read @BuddJenn's take on the existential threat DHS poses to our future…

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