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May 12, 2022, 7 tweets

a 🧵Who has interest in #PBMs?
The AMA Foundation has a corporate donors circle that gives them 💵
Here is a pic of the 2018 donors.
Highlighted companies are or own PBM
Pink asterisks are large lobby groups (as is the AMA)
Purple dots are of interest…

2/5 🧵Here's a list of grants received by AMA... Why does our government... @CMSGov give the AMA over $500,000 💵 in a year to"transform clinical practices"?
How's that transformation going?

(and why should AMA be able to lobby a government that gives them 💵?)

3/5 🧵Looks 👀to me as though the alliance of health policy has a fancy dinner and sponsors an event with AMA, also sponsored by Pharma, Insurance companies and big hospital system ascension.
Did we get that wrong?
More about the alliance of health policy....

🧵4/7 Here is the alliance of health policy, a 30 year old company:… The chair is a lawyer who cut his teeth at CMS and in the hospital admin circles as well as OMB.

We decided to expand the thread to 7, cause we found more juicy tidbits.

🧵5/7 More on Alliance of Health Policy
They look to have great congressional and press contacts with MAJOR media outlets, besides a cozy relationship with AMA (deets above) .

🤔🤨 Is this part of why many physicians feel beat up by the press?

@Suburbanbella @ZDoggMD @WDeanMD @commit2seniors @thePOmagazine @HCP4US @anish_koka @somedocs @PtRightsAdvoc @notaproviderMD 🧵6/7 Yet more on Alliance of Health Policy:
Also on their board is the prez of big #GPO Premier... one of the Hospital supply middlemen, the companies that collect legalized #kickbacks.
Our own @mass_marion has had a LOT to say about how the kickbacks distort the supply chain

@Suburbanbella @ZDoggMD @WDeanMD @commit2seniors @thePOmagazine @HCP4US @anish_koka @somedocs @PtRightsAdvoc @notaproviderMD @mass_marion @Medtronic @medicaldevices @Free2CareHC @FreeMarketMed @brian_blase 🧵7/7 Back to the statement from the AMA annual meeting. One last screenshot:
Their Digital Health 'Playbook" with links to collaborators>
Are they collaborating with the big hospital systems who buy the big EHR systems?

Tell us @AmerMedicalAssn how this is helping 👩🏼‍⚕️🩺?

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