The Successful Recall of Chesa Boudin Profile picture
The official campaign that recalled Chesa Boudin. Fighting for public safety for all San Franciscans.

May 12, 2022, 9 tweets

1/ @chesaboudin proudly announced this week that he has finally started prosecuting car burglaries. But he left out a critical truth: Chesa deliberately sat on the case for 2 years - only pursuing it now to save his career. Let's review the facts:

2/ The offender in question, Quoc Le, was originally charged in January 2019 - a year before Chesa took office. He was charged with 8 felony counts of buying/receiving stolen property - VERY similar to the case Chesa is touting now. (Case No 19000446)

3/ The case was actively prosecuted throughout 2019 by @ThomasOstly in the Crime Strategies Unit in the DA's office. But Ostly was fired by Chesa in Jan 2020 and the Crime Strategies Unit was dissolved in 2021. See Ostly's statement about the case here.

4/ After firing @ThomasOstly, Chesa allowed the case to languish. In fact, the last court appearance Quoc Le had was in Dec 2019...right before Chesa took office. There have been no motions or filings in the case since 2019. Le still has not been sentenced in this case.

5/ Even Yelp reviewers knew that this boba shop was a fencing location since 2018. Chesa had every opportunity to prosecute Quoc Le for the last two years - he even had an active case which he could have pursued.

6/ Those hundreds of stolen laptops that the @sfchronicle proudly photographed? They didn't have to be stolen. Chesa could have prosecuted and held Quoc Le accountable years ago, and prevented hundreds of San Franciscans from being victimized.

7/ So why didn't Chesa Boudin prosecute Quoc Le earlier?

Because pursuing 2019 case would have involved working with @SFPD & giving them credit for the investigation.

Because the 2019 case would have given credit to a prosecutor that he fired.

8/ And because pursuing the 2019 case would have meant that Chesa Boudin wouldn't have a splashy car burglary media story 30 days away from his recall election.

He played this case to save his political career. And the @sfchronicle bought it hook, line, and sinker.

9/ Chesa Boudin puts politics before prosecution.

He did it this week. He will do it again.

We deserve better.

#YesonH #RecallChesa

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