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May 13, 2022, 47 tweets

[THREAD] A Short Analysis of the Yonko and their Parallels to Each Other Part 1(The Rocks Crew edition) #ONEPIECE1049 🏴‍☠️

Disclaimer: This thread will primarily be concerned with Kaidou, Big Mom, and Whitebeard. This is because there is significantly less background information on Shanks and Blackbeard, so I can’t really confidently talk about them without getting into baseless speculation.

With Kaidou’s backstory beginning to unfold in Chapter 1049, I feel like we can now start to see more direct parallels Kaidou has to his contemporaries.More specifically Edward Newgate, and Charlotte Linlin

Lets start with the dynamic duo themselves,Big Mom and Kaidou

The first and obvious parallel is how BM and Kaidou are portrayed in terms of strength at an early age. Both are seen as one of if not the strongest people on there respective islands even as a child.

Some of Big Mom and Kaidou’s motives are both rooted in the concept of equality in some way. Big Mom has the goal of forming a utopia where all races are “equal”. While Kaidou believes that equality can be achieved through strength,war and anarchy.

Lets dive in to this topic further


After the flashback it is fair to say that Kaido’s warmongering mindset and emphasis on strength were in part due to his experiences early on being a soldier for the Vodka Kingdom. A nation mentioned to be involved in wars on a consistent basis.


As mentioned before the Vodka Kingdom is a warmongering nation, they have to constantly wage war in order to pay the Heavenly Tribute. This caused the leader of the nation to make a decision which would permanently alter Kaidou’s life forever.

We see Kaidou is betrayed by his kingdom and traded to the Marines in exchange for the honor of joining the Revery.

We also see Early on in the flashback Kaidou questions the legitimacy of the World Nobles, only to be quieted down by the people surrounding him. During Kaidou’s capture, he also adamantly refuses to be the WG’s dog, and also refuses to be a political tool for his kingdom.

These early experiences would shape Kaidou’s distain for the World Government as well as potentially shape at least his early view on Rocks( Depending on how that part of the flashback goes).

This emphasis on war and strength Kaidou initially picked up on in Vodka Kingdom would last throughout his life. He initially considers working with Rocks mostly due to his legendary strength and notoriety. His crew is also a meritocracy where the stronger you the higher you are

Now with the understanding of Kaidou’s warmongering mindset explained let’s talk about how this relates to view and motivations surrounding equality.

I won’t speak in detail in Part 1 about the events of God Valley. But While we don’t have much concrete evidence, it’s fair to say that whatever happened at God Valley only supported and bolstered Kaido’s view on equality and strength in his mind.

When Higurashi first visits Kaidou regarding Wano. She plays into Kaidou’s mindset that strength, war and the will of the powerful are the only ways to achieve meaningful change. Kaidou doubles down by agreeing with this sentiment.

We finally see Kaido state his hatred of the Celestial Dragons as well as his idea to spread war and devastation and equality can be found through proving one’s strength in battle. This adds further context to his declaration of war we see in his introduction.

Famously in his introduction Kaido exclaims loudly that he desires to engulf the world in a massive war. While part of this desire is due to his want for a glorious death(will be discussed in Part 2),It also derives from Kaido’s upbringing and experiences we get to see in 1049

Now it’s MAMA TIME

As mentioned before, Linlin and Kaidou were beasts even during their childhood years. But while Kaidou more than likely earned some measure of respect for this, Linlin was hated and ostracized due to her overwhelming strength and unpredictability.

While in the care of Mother Caramel, she adopts a mindset and goal of equality. The altruistic goal of being at eye level with people regardless of their race or creed

While this goal by itself is great and admirable, Big Mom goes about this goal in a self serving and reprehensible manner. People don’t respect Big mom out of admiration and love, but out of fear and domination much like Kaidou. WCI isn’t a utopia, but instead a dictatorship.

Another interesting parallel between their upbringings is the role the World Government played . Big Mom before her hunger pang,was going to be sold to the WG along with the rest of her friends This fate would be similar to what happened to Kaidou in Vodka Kingdom

I now have have a few things to say regarding some parallels between the backgrounds and lore of Big Mom ,Kaidou and the Goat himself Edward Newgate 🐐

While we don’t know much about WB’s early life, we do know he had an impoverished childhood. His home island couldn’t pay the heavenly tribute, and so in turn the island wasn’t under WG protection.

We also find out that Newgate grew up an orphan


Hearing about Sphinx Island and Whitebeard’s upbringing gives us a frame of reference for the situation Vodka Kingdom was in during Kaidou’s flashback.

While WB held the same title as both Big Mom and Kaidou, the way he went about controlling his territories was much different

WB ruled his territory differently opting instead to govern the people under his care with respect and protection. unlike both Big Mom and Kaido who rule primarily with subjugation and fear.Both his subordinates and the people in his protection loved and admired him

Whitebeard’s childhood led directly to his goal in life which was to find and create his own family. On different note it’s also fair to say that WB delved into piracy out of a love and care for his people and Island, whom couldn’t protect themselves.

As we all should know by now, Whitebeard’s dream was simply to have a family, due to his early experiences as an orphan. Because of this,his relationship with his crew would be more like that of a father and child bond.

Much like WB, Big Mom also has a desire for, and creates a family. While WB takes in orphans he comes across during his travels, all of Big moms family and crew with some key exceptions, are her children (obviously)

while they didn’t have a blood connection, most of Whitebeard’s crew looked to him as a father figure, and and arguably loved and respected him more than most if not all of Big Moms crew loves her

I say this because much of the respect Big Mom has even from her own children comes from fear of her power and unpredictability. While I certainly believe they do have love for their mother, I’d still argue fear is also a major factor.

Much like Wb, I feel that Big Moms desire to have a family derives from the experiences and trauma she went through early on in her life. The trauma of the “supposed” abandonment of Mother Caramel and the kids stayed with her for the rest of her life

These childhood events allowed BM to get manipulated by and also led to her pirate life to manifesting the way it did.

She felt that the only way she could have a family that wouldn’t abandon her was to birth them herself. This dream for a family would blend with her goal of equality amongst races. Because of this BM has had 43 partners, a majority of which were different races

Leading to offspring with various racial backgrounds. As well as a family raised and nurtured by her, making a family that certainly wouldn’t abandon her. This also could be a leading cause of her livid feelings towards her daughter Lola who left her

I couldn’t finish off this thread without mentioning one last thing about the goat himself

Also unlike his contemporaries,WB never desired to become Pirate king and seek the One Piece. We see time and time again that Whitebeard very well could’ve found achieved this goal but opted not to.

If there’s any message I believe is being told throughout the Yonko backstories, it’s that someone’s upbringing and experiences has a large impact on their minds and their goals.

As mentioned before, Wb’s upbringing led to his want for a family . Also due to His home being constantly raided and attacked, Wb developed a protective attitude he would have till the end of his days

Big Moms childhood ultimately was full of neglect and trauma due to fear of her strength, as well as her own unpredictability,which is emphasized with her implied cannibalism of friends and mother figure These events allowed BM to get manipulated into the monster she is now

And lastly Kaido’s mindset and values were partly due to the experiences he had early on as a child soldier for a warmongering nation. The beauty of Kaido though is that I believe there is much more to be said about his dream, and his desire for death and glory.

There are still obvious gaps and holes that need to be filled for Kaidou’s story. I believe this will be handled in the upcoming chapters

In Part 2 I will discuss Kaidou’s raging alcoholism, his time on the Rocks Pirates, his suicidal tendencies and much much more in Part 2. Who knows maybe some certain Red headed or Black bearded men will be involved next time. ZEHAHAHA

As we get deeper into Kaidou’s flashback expect Part 2 to be around the corner

Thanks you everyone who took time out of their day to read this😁😁

Note:I do not own any of the pictures or art shown in this analysis

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