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Who knew the *change* was going to be quite so bad! #TwoTierKeir

May 15, 2022, 9 tweets

Huge crowd today in Manchester!
Had a fabulous time hearing the wonderful speakers.
#LetWomenSpeak #FreeSpeechForWomen

Thank-you @GMPCityCentre @gmpolice for protecting our peaceful event from the group of threatening, intimidating men who think women talking about women's issues is "hate".
#FreeSpeechForWomen #LetWomenSpeak

Aja and the dinosaur 😄 - sounds like a great children's book! 🦖♀️💪 @Aja02537920
#FreeSpeechForWomen #LetWomenSpeak

We snuck off & left the numpties to their teeth gnashing at the Pankhurst statue to hold Speakers Corner at the domestic violence exhibition by Allie Crew.
#FreeSpeechForWomen #LetWomenSpeak

This is what resistance looks like!
Suffragettes are unbowed by cowardly "pound shop ninjas"!
#FreeSpeechForWomen #LetWomenSpeak #Suffragette

Mr Menno ❤️

After-party 😄 The wonderful @NehandaMusic
#FreeSpeechForWomen #LetWomenSpeak

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