Gretchen Winter, MD 🌼 (Warning: Feral) Profile picture
I believe in loving others. Animal rescuer. Life explorer. Bibliophile. PCCM. Passions =🎼/💃/✈️/MedEd/Bronchiectasis/Communication/Wellness. #BLM🌈

May 16, 2022, 27 tweets

This afternoon’s #ATS2022 session starts with “Diagnosis and Management of Patients and Families with Post Intensive Care Unit Syndrome” with Dr. Hugo Carmona (@HcarmonaMD)!

Defining PICS - these 3 domains are the most common impairments for people with PICS. #ATS2022

What tools can we use to identify impairments in these domains? #ATS2022

Early mobilization improves patients walking without assistance at discharge. #ATS2022

Risk factors and PICS - There are pre-illness, hospitalization factors, and post-hospital factors.

The ABCDEF bundle can help improve outcomes. #ATS2022

The bundle improves discharge to home (vs facility) as more of the bundle is performed. #ATS2022

One year outcomes after ARDS - physical impairment and ability to return to work improve with time (but impairments remain). #ATS2022

Physical impairment typically recovers more quickly than the other PICS domains. #ATS2022

Delirium in the ICU is associated with cognitive impairment later. #ATS2022

Steroids and insulin are likely associated with worse physical impairment. #ATS2022

Summary Points #ATS2022

The next talk with Dr. Ann Parker (@AnnEkedahl) is “Post-ICU Clinics: Who Are They For? How Do They Help?” #ATS2022

Definition of PICS #ATS2022

What do patients identify as key components of ICU recovery programs? #ATS2022

This scoping review of post-ICU interventions looked at what interventions were helpful. #ATS2022

These are the interventions that were found to be effective. #ATS2022

This study evaluated the effectiveness of a sepsis transition and recovery program. There were improvements in mortality and readmission. #ATS2022

This study looked at enablers and barriers to implementing ICU follow-up clinics. #ATS2022

These are guidelines for patients who may need rehabilitation after critical illness.

Consider establishing these things at each step along the way. #ATS2022

This information should be provided to patients and caregivers at discharge. #ATS2022

Key domains to review 2-3 months after discharge. #ATS2022

There are also SCCM guidelines for post-ICU rehabilitation. #ATS2022

Core outcomes that should be evaluated in clinical research in acute respiratory failure survivors.

Current gaps in knowledge in post-ICU care #ATS2022

Summary points! #ATS2022

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