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May 17, 2022, 14 tweets

The ‘Star Wars’ universe is expanding—and, for the first time, Lucasfilm is lifting the secrecy surrounding its master plan. In V.F.’s June cover story, Anthony Breznican welcomes you back to a galaxy far, far away.

Rosario Dawson, Pedro Pascal, Ewan McGregor, and Diego Luna, photographed by Annie Liebovitz for V.F. June 2022.

Read the cover story now:

Diego Luna reprises the role of his ‘Rogue One’ rebel in ‘Andor,’ an origin story that reveals how the character went from self-serving nihilist to selfless martyr.


Also returning to the franchise—though finding his character on a much different journey—is Ewan McGregor. In #ObiWanKenobi, the Jedi is in exile after losing his protégé to the dark side.

Though he was once relieved to put ‘Star Wars’ behind him, McGregor’s tune changed with time, distance, and a little perspective. When, four years ago, Lucasfilm’s then-head of story asked if he was interested in returning, he found himself at a crossroads…

While #ObiWan anguishes over his past, Anakin Skywalker is a man at war with himself. Showrunner Deborah Chow tells V.F. that what intrigued her most about the series was the thread between them: “I don’t think [Obi-Wan] ever will not care about him... They loved each other.”

Elsewhere in the galaxy, another Jedi doesn’t see things in such black and white terms. Plot details about ‘Ahsoka’ are still being tightly held, but star @rosariodawson isn’t one to contain her excitement—or, maybe, those details.


If these series represent the future, ‘The Mandalorian’ was Lucasfilm’s first step forward. Kathleen Kennedy tells V.F. that, in forming this new universe, “nurturing” the stories was paramount.


“He was the first person I went to,” Kennedy says of ‘The Mandalorian’ creator Jon Favreau. His lone-gunslinger concept blended seamlessly with franchise veteran @dave_filoni’s wealth of knowledge—but, conceptually, there was one major sticking point.

It’s difficult to imagine ‘The Mandalorian’ without the Child—but his form in the series was a source of concern. “Honestly,” says Filoni, “it’s something I never would’ve done.”


Baby Yoda, photographed by Annie Leibovitz.

‘Star Wars’ will, eventually, need new actors, new characters, and a new era to explore. Projects in development aim to do that. Think: a mystery thriller set a century before ‘The Phantom Menace,’ an Amblin-inspired coming-of-age adventure, and more.


For the June issue, V.F. dives deep into Disney’s multiyear plan—and assembles the stars who hope to do for streaming what George Lucas did for movies. Read the full cover story now:

This is only the beginning. Keep an eye out for additional reporting on ‘Ahsoka,’ ‘Andor,’ ‘The Acolyte,’ and more in the days ahead. #ThisIsTheWay

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