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'Non evidence based activism regarding dominant modes of viral transmission' - AHS SAG 'Certain online actors'

May 17, 2022, 5 tweets

Well well well... look who's suddenly trying to get on the right side of history. πŸ‘€

I guess we're officially allowed to consider SARS2 as a plausible hypothesis.... Rather than "exclude" it or dismiss it as "unlikely" before serology data was available.

Welcome to "COVID Hepatitis Twitterℒ️"!

The water's fine!

I'm also glad the experts have now given us permission to #ReleaseTheSerology

Hey.. maybe the topic was "acrimonious", because you all dismissed COVID out of the gates and blamed Adenovirus. Then when a hepatologist laid out a counter argument, you all piled on... accused him of "clout chasing" and called him a "tedious ass". πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ

Speaking of "clout chasing"... In 2 weeks we went from "we have nothing to do with this, other experts are looking into it" to "here's a BMJ editorial on the subject" 🧐

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