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May 18, 2022, 16 tweets

LIVE NOW | As governments, financial institutions and businesses look to honour their COP26 pledges, are we entering a new era of ESG accountability? #FTMoralMoney watch the livestream here:

Investors are ready to hold companies “feet to the fire” should they fail to meet ESG goals says
@JohnGlenUK in his opening address at #FTMoralMoney. Watch the livestream here:

An inflationary cycle and higher interest rates may cause a temporary blip in ESG investments, but in the long run the necessary investments will be made says Bernie Mensah speaking at #FTMoralMoney


Head to toe sustainability at #FTMoralMoney even down to the coffee

Sandro Pierri, stresses the need for organisations to create their own data models to avoid a "herd mentality" and ensure that different assets continue to receive investment #FTMoralMoney

The need for universal ESG reporting metrics has been the topic of the #FTMoralMoney Summit so far. Watch the livestream here:

Life is messy and so is ESG. @MorrisseyHelena's session at #FTMoralMoney ran the gamut from the ethics of the Abramovich sanctions to the apparent incompatibilities of fiduciary duty and ESG goals

@MorrisseyHelena Jan Jenisch shares his thoughts on carbon pricing at #FTMoralMoney

@MorrisseyHelena Kay Hope from Bank of America discusses scaling up sustainable finance. #FTMoralMoney


“We are going as fast as we can, but we are stressing the political system to the limit here.” John Berrigan speaking on the green transition #FTMoralMoney

The APAC region is at risk of losing up to $96 trillion in the coming years as a result of climate change. “There are no jobs on a dead planet” Sharon Thorne speaking at #FTMoralMoney

Adrian Hallmark, Chairman and CEO, Bentley Motors discusses achieving luxury sustainability by 2030 at #FTMoralMoney. Watch the free livestream here:

Stuart Kirk provides the dissenting view at #FTMoralMoney by stressing the potential financial opportunities of the just transition rather than the “doom and gloom of the Mark Carney’s of the world”

It’s not a lack of tech, capital or even land availability that is holding up the energy transition but rather the delay in government licensing says Miguel Stilwell d'Andrade speaking at #FTMoralMoney

Is the governance portion of ESG encouraging c-suite executives to engage more with their employees or is it just more boardroom debate? #FTMoralMoney

Thank you to everyone that joined us at #FTMoralMoney Europe. Rewatch all of our sessions on demand here:

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