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Journalist | 🇩🇪 & 🇪🇺 football, sports politics & fan culture | @guardian @bbcsport @TheNewEuropean @11freunde_de @sofoot @theipaper @dwnews | @uwsmag 🇾🇪

May 19, 2022, 8 tweets

📰 Some German press this morning after Eintracht Frankfurt’s #UEL triumph.

🗞 Kicker: “White Giants - Sevilla, a summer fairy tale” (the term usually used to describe the 2006 World Cup in Germany)


🗞 Sportbild: “Eintracht madness! Crazy final with bloody foul and choreo chaos”

“Two Trapp saves for eternity”


🗞 11Freunde: “The hearts of Europe”

(A twist on Frankfurt hymn “Im Herzen von Europa” - “At the heart of Europe”)


🗞 Frankfurter Rundschau: “A victory for eternity - a shining example”


🗞 Hessenschau: “This day will change Eintracht’s history”

“It began with blood and ended with tears of joy. Eintracht Frankfurt’s wildest dreams have been realised. This 18th May will live long in the memory.”


🗞 Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ): “We are all heroes”


🗞 BILD: “Frankfurt win trophy 25 years after Schalke”

“Frankfurt goes mental after final win”

“Chaos before kick-off: dispute over Eintracht choreo.”


🗞 And, saving the best till last, @uersfeld for NTV:

“The wonderful comeback of the ‘old’ football - it wasn’t about quality, but rather those things that make football what it is: tension, magic moments and delirious fans. A night which showed how the game used to be.”


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