Svetlana Lokhova Profile picture
Author, SPYGATE EXPOSED… Historian. Intelligence and Security Services expert.

May 19, 2022, 5 tweets

As you are watching the Sussmann trial, remember that Hillary's people concealed that they hired Fusion and Steele. It took legal action for Perkins Coie to admit this in October 2017, by which point the damage was done.

October 2017 -- WashPo is forced to report that Hillary paid for the Steele dossier and services of the dirty tricks outfit Fusion GPS

Oct'17: revelation that Perkins Coie (Marc Elias) hired Fusion.
Fusion hired Chris Steele.
Elias gave evidence yesterday in the first Russiagate criminal trial.
Steele refused to appear, but judge allowed his communications with Sussmann and Fusion to be admitted into evidence.

In October 2017, Hillary law firm's spokesperson denied that the Clinton campaign or the DNC was aware that Fusion had been hired.
Evidence in criminal trial yesterday showed that Hillary's people were in contact with Fusion daily.

It took subpoena from Nunes to get Hillary's people to finally admit in autumn 2017 that they hired Fusion and Steele for 2016 presidential election.

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