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FOLLOWS YOU. Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Architectures, Computation. The goal is integrity, not conformity.

May 20, 2022, 6 tweets

Three cats as a New Yorker cartoon | surreal art | unreal engine | 35mm f2.0 #dalle

Three cats drawn by Alphonse Mucha | Edvard Munch | Hayao Miyazaki | Salvadore Dalí

Three cats drawn by Leonardo da Vinci | Pablo Picasso | Walt Disney | Mark Rothko

Three cats drawn by Lucas Cranach | Moebius | Andy Warhol | Vermeer

Three cats starring in a movie by George Lucas | Wes Anderson | Stanley Kubrick | Alfred Hitchcock

My absolute favorite of the bunch: Three cats starring in a movie by Andrei Tarkovsky

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