Andrew Davey Profile picture
Dad. 🕹️Gamer. Computer whisperer. Manager. Often smells of chlorine. Wrangler of @EdinburghWatch, @Glasgow_Watch and

May 21, 2022, 7 tweets

All prepped to attempt a wee Game Boy game repair then I found I don't have the right size of game bit to open the damn cartridge - mine's too big! (fnarr fnarr)
Thanks to Amazon Prime this can at least be a tomorrow job.


Although, kudos to the #pixel6pro for this macro shot!

All solder joints look good and the only sign of physical damage is this scratched track. Need to find (or manufacture) a test point to check for continuity across this mess.

Bad news: there is continuity here 😅

I've reflowed the solder on both of these big chips and put a blob over the scratched track for good measure. Time to reassemble!

Now would you look at that - a successful repair! I'm very pleased with this - it's the first time I've attempted a cartridge repair and it's a huge win! I also swapped my original dpad back in because the replacement was rubbish 😅

Of course I forgot to upload the "before" video... it just stayed on that screen forever.

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