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May 21, 2022, 7 tweets

🧵 Under pressure to stand out, Kleefisch, Nicholson, Ramthun, & Michels have made the crowded GOP primary for governor a race to the bottom, where only the most extreme agendas win & Wisconsinites lose. Listen to what they have to say about each other: #RPW2022

.@RebeccaforReal: “Kevin Nicholson is an opportunist who has proven time and time again that he is willing to literally say or do anything, in order to become a part of the political establishment that he claims to hate so much.”

.@KevinMNicholson: Rebecca Kleefisch’s plan is “as dumb as a bag of hammers.” jsonline.com/story/news/pol…

.@RamthunForGov: “After running for governor for five plus weeks, [I’m] essentially in first place. [...] I’m beating people who have been running for governor for four years [...] the establishment pick they wanted to make ‘the one,’ I’m taking her out in multiple counties.”

.@MichelsForGov on the GOP field: “I'll tell you, come November, not a single person in Wisconsin is going to look back and say, 'Wow, I wish these candidates started even earlier.’”

@michelsforgov .@KevinMNicholson: “The whole idea of this whole clown show that exists in Madison telling the rest of us to shut up and sit down has to get called out [...]”

These candidates are dividing the Republican Party to its core, and they would do the same to our state if they were in the governor’s office. Learn more: wisgop.com #RPW2022

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