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May 21, 2022, 11 tweets

RED FORT was NOT built by Mughal rulers namely Shahjahan during his tenure (1628- 1658 AD) in between 1638 to 1648 AD by Employing Ustad Ahmad Lahauri as Chief architect, but instead what they did was only few modifications.

I will prove it.. read the thread below.


PIC 1)
A stone tablet inside Red Fort by modern archeologists proclaims that the Fort was built between 1639 to 1648 AD.

But, a painting of Shahjahan's time preserved in the Boldeian Library, Oxford depicts Shahjahan recieving Persian ambassador inside the Fort in 1928.

How can Shahjahan recieve someone in 1928 in Red Fort if it was built in 1939 AD.

The painting was reproduced in the Illustrated Weekly of India, Page 27, March 14, 1971.
This documentatory evidence disapproves the notion that he build the Red Fort.

In Red Fort’s Khas Mahal, one can find the royal emblem (PIC 3) of its builder King Anangpal. It has of a pair of swords laid hilt to hilt curving upwards, the sacred Hindu pot (kalash) above the hilts, a lotus bud and a pair of scales of justice balanced over it.

Dotted around are representations of the sun from whom Indian ruling dynasties claimed descent (Surya Vansh).
At the sword points are two small conches considered sacred in Hindu tradition. Bigger conches may be seen at the left and right corners at the base.

PIC 4 - shows Hindu midday sun (represents Suryavashi ) in the arch above flanked by the sacred Hindu letter OM. Below it is the royal Hindu insignia which is shown their royal emblem. This proves the hollowness of the claim. Mughals made urdu inscriptions in gaps on these archs.

PIC 5 - The life size statues of two elephants flanking the Delhi Gate (Delhi Darwaza) of Red Fort are an unmistakable sign of the fort’s Hindu origin. The concept of building statues of elephants on forts and palace gates can be well judged from palaces at Gwalior, Udaipur, etc.

There are statues of Hindu Mahavants riding the elephants of the doors of each interior room of “Khas Mahal” in the Red Fort. One can see close up of the elephant and rider door knob in the Khas Mahal of the Red Fort in Delhi in PIC 6. This is a typically Hindu motif.

PIC 7 - is a temple-front design of ribbed gourd-like domes on either side with a pinnacle surmounted by a canopy in the centre, embossed on the riverside wall of the Rang Mahal apartment inside Delhi’s Red fort is emphatic proof that the fort is a pre-Shahjahan Hindu fort.

Even the name Rang Mahal is Hindu.
In this same pavilion is carved on the floor an exquisite lotus in full bloom as a fountain trough. The canopy in the photo may be seen at several Hindu altars. The kalash (pot) under it represents divinity in Hindu (Vedic) tradition.

Correction 1628* and 1639*

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