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May 22, 2022, 10 tweets

Lots of talk recently about alt systems vs. D&D.

I am of the camp that if you don't see it, then make it, or look for folks who have! That is what @dms_guild, @DriveThruRPG, @itchio and more are for!

I became a better DM and writer the more systems I explored.


@CityOfMistRPG changed how I looked and cinematic and narrative storytelling with literature and within games. Their highly open-ended system allows for a huge amount of sandbox storytelling, which is something I don't think we do enough of.


#BandofBlades and #BladesintheDark from @EvilHatOfficial are both stellar examples of genre RPGs that others have tried to do but often fail. The number of times I have heard friends say they are using mechanics directly from both at their 5e tables is high.


@Modiphius are the rulers of the IP-to-RPG market, and their 2d20 system I have pulled a lot of inspiration from. Each of these deserve a thread of their own, but they are all STELLAR - sometimes chunky - adaptations of some of the most popular IPs out there.


#Epyllion from @MagpieOfficial is one of the most fun and creatively-inspiring games I have run. I am playing it right now with my middle school enrichment kids, and they are absolutely loving it. Plus, teamwork is very VERY clearly outlined as a key NEED for the game.


#Wanderhome by @jdragsky is another amazingly wholesome game with beautiful art that feels like a storybook with some rules thrown in. It was one of my biggest inspirations when I made my pastoral RPG #ShepherdsQuest. This game is PERFECT for the family.


The folks over at @CoyoteNCrowRPG had an amazing mission and goal that they put together with their book, and I was super excited when I got my absolute chongus copy. It is a beautiful reclamation of stolen and destroyed history by an all-indigenous team.


#Vaesen is one that keeps looking at me from my shelf and I keep longing to pick up and dive more into, but, from the little I have read and explored, this is an amazing Norse Gothic world of monster hunting and intrigue. Perfect for the spoopy months.


#ThoseWhoWander from @AdamMakesTTRPG @vjhcreations @quantam_synergy and co is a beautiful reimagining of traditional D&D with an all-new system that keeps storytelling, diversity and accessibility at its core. The best start I think when looking elsewhere.


If you like D&D and you wanna stick with it, great! If you like D&D but are curious about other things, great! If you are sick of D&D and need new suggestions, great!

I just wanted to make this to share my experiences and some of the stuff I learned!


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