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May 22, 2022, 6 tweets

Fact: there are #BiosphereReserves in 131 countries 🌎

Each take a holistic approach towards ecosystem conservation & promote a full reconciliation with the living world through sustainable livelihoods & research.

A thread on @UNESCO_MAB's work #ForNature ⬇️


🤝 When places reconcile conservation with #SustainableDevelopment & research, @UNESCO designates them as #BiosphereReserves.

As of 2022, these amazing places are allowing 250 million people to learn and thrive on sustainable solutions!

en.unesco.org/mab/ #ForNature


The Tsimane have always guarded the Beni #BiosphereReserve in Bolivia.

To create a sustainable economic activity and restore ecosystems, the Amazon programme - supported by @LVMH - is helping them build a greenhouse & providing native seeds.


@LVMH (4/7)

What if preserving the local flora could also generate income & capture big amounts of carbon from the atmosphere all at once?

That's what Jobs for Carbon in @GouritzCBR is doing by restoring Spekboom in a global biodiversity hotspot: on.unesco.org/3yOrBfA #ActNow

@LVMH @GouritzCBR (5/7)

After being ravaged by the war, #CanGio mangrove in #VietNam has been extensively restored!

Absorbing carbon dioxide & other polluting agents on a daily basis, the area is a ‘green lung’ for the 8 million residents of #HoChiMinh.

on.unesco.org/3sEL1zx #ForNature

@LVMH @GouritzCBR (6/7)

The Mariñas Coruñesas e Terras do Mandeo #BiosphereReserve - @RBMarinas - promotes reconciliation through the Local Food System.

Its sustainable agriculture ensures
🥬 organic meals
👩‍🌾 employment opportunities
🐄 preservation of species

on.unesco.org/3yGRXQz #ForNature

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