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May 23, 2022, 6 tweets

This week during a series of 5⃣ Strategic Roundtables at #WHA75 delegates, experts from WHO, partner agencies and civil society will discuss current priorities and next solutions on vital issues for global public health.

Streamed live on Twitter & web:

#WHA75 Strategic Roundtable 1⃣
This event will include the formal launch of ‘A Healthy Return: investing in a sustainably financed WHO’, the new WHO investment case.

🗓️ Monday 23 May, 13:00–14:15 CEST

Streamed live on Twitter & web:

#WHA75 Strategic Roundtable 2⃣
Spotlights the economics of #HealthForAll to position health as a core development objective, & guide investments to support a healthy society.

🗓️ Tuesday 24 May, 13:00-14:30 CEST

Streamed live on Twitter & web:

#WHA75 Strategic Roundtable 3⃣
Focuses on why a radical reorientation of health systems toward primary health care as the foundation of universal health coverage is crucial.
🗓️ Wednesday 25 May, 13:00-14:30 CEST
Streamed live on Twitter & web:

#WHA75 Strategic Roundtable 4⃣
Discusses steps towards a stronger and more inclusive health emergency preparedness, response and resilience architecture.

🗓️ Thursday 26 May, 13:00-14:30 CEST

Streamed live on Twitter & web:

#WHA75 Strategic Roundtable 5⃣
Addresses Behavioural Science for Better Health, specifically on how to better integrate behavioural sciences into the global health agenda.

🗓️ Friday 27 May 2022, 13:00-14:30 CEST

Streamed live on Twitter & web:

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