MerryMichaelW ☭ #Socialism #Equality 🇵🇸 🍉🐝 Profile picture
🍇🥂 #Socialist - Marxist_Leninist_Stalinist 🫧⚒️🫧 🇵🇸#PALESTINE🇵🇸 #Yemen🇾🇪 #Russia🇷🇺 China🇨🇳 66🇨🇺 #DPRK #JuChe🇰🇵 _ ✌🏻#BRICS✌🏻 🚫#Imperialism🚫

May 23, 2022, 7 tweets

We, who long for a better life, now need to understand what has been stolen again from us, & where we actually are.

Far, far too many people still secretly hope for the Labour Party to rise again, or even more bizarrely, for a "progressive alliance" - whatever the fuck that is.

Reality needs to bite. Because the vast majority of us have done sweet fuck all in the last two years to change the terms of trade, we need to face the fact of another two terms of Tory government.

Because that is the reality, not the myth that most of us nurture.

If we want #Socialism , the mighty oak #Socialism , with #SHADEFORALL , we are going to have to grow it from the acorns that the bravest and best amongst us HAVE ALREADY created. There IS no messiah, no magic leader - that is a wastrel myth.



You want somebody do do something about food banks? 🤔

Look in the fucking mirror.

You want somebody to do something about homelessness??? 🤔

Look in the fucking mirror.

You want poverty to end??? 🤔

#Lookinthemirror #Bethechangeyouwanttosee.

So, become a #SocialistGardener !

Become the father/mother who grows the tree, so that their children, & their friends might enjoy #SHADEFORALL .

JOIN, or at least SUPPORT the ONLY viable vehicles:


And do it now! Please. 😊

@noisemakersanon Here. 😊😊😊✊🏻👍🏻❤️

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