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Project Analyst at @The_Habibiz | α Degen 💎 #dyor #nfa

May 23, 2022, 7 tweets analysis
Since almost every alpha group writes about @goblintownwtf I wrote a small supply & holder analysis about the project. 🧵 (1/7)

The number of listings dropped significantly by almost more than 1,000 listings to about 835 listings on May 21. The low was reached on May 22 with about 769 listings. Since then, listings have risen again appreciably to currently approximately +- 1,300 (13% of supply).

Currently, about 730 (7.3% of supply) are listed below Ξ1. About 330 (3.3% of the supply) are listed below Ξ0.8.

The follower increases of the project are remarkable. The #goblinfollowgoblin strategy and community building seems to be working at the moment. Only time will tell if this buildup is just short-term hype or the development of a sustainable community.

With this extremely young project, it is no wonder that 30% of the supply has been traded in the last 24 hours. It will be interesting to see how this number develops in the next few days.

Approx. 30% of the total supply is currently held by blue chip holders. Otherdeed, Mutant Ape Yacht Club, Moonbirds and Bored Ape Kennel Club owners alone hold >26%. In addition, many smart money investors like
@CryptoVonDoom have bought in.

The project is experiencing a lot of hype right now and has managed to build up a strong follower base in a very short time and attract the attention of many blue chip holders. To what extent a strong community can be developed from this follower base remains to be seen.

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