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I'm Jo. Policy adviser @lgacomms. ‘Twitter's answer to Phileas Fogg' - microblogging silly travel adventures. Views own. Now mostly at Politicanimal on 🦋

May 24, 2022, 10 tweets

And so the day arrives, and Woolwich now has a ‘Woolwich Arsenal’ station that isn’t in the Arsenal, and a ‘Woolwich’ station that is in the Arsenal. (Yes, and a ‘Woolwich Dockyard’ station whose dockyard closed 150 years ago.) #ElizabethLine

Going down…

The TfL powers that be will be delighted that the stations/trains is already swarming with people who look like this is already part of their daily routine, rather than obsessively videoing everything… 🚈

Under the Thames, up again, down again through the cleverly-repurposed 150-yr old Connaught Tunnel, built to replace a railway swing bridge over the docks, and into Custom House. RB Greenwich to LB Newham faster than you can say ‘This is quicker than the DLR’. #elizabethline

Just casually comparing Tottenham Court Road station to the last time I was down here. #ElizabethLine

In ‘This is exactly what we didn’t want to happen’ news, Paddington is closed due to a fire alarm. Getting to admire more of Tottenham Court Road.

Having had to divert to more normal routes, I will say Crossrail is fantastic, particularly the incredible stations, but it’s a shame none of them have the exciting feature of a boarded up staff letter box in a fake medieval mural. Only on the Northern Line.

Just as a mini counterpoint to the ‘London’s rails are paved with gold’ narrative, am off to connect with the #elizabethline this evening on this 50-year old train, I think the oldest stock in frontline use anywhere in the UK, for which there is no timetable or cash to replace.

That said, damn it, back to boasting. Paddington is lovely. The lighting design and levels make it feel like a living room. #elizabethline

Round-ling off Crossrail day with the compulsory selfie at Britain’s newest station.

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