Jessica Joy Kerr Profile picture
Symmathecist, @honeycombio. Tweets are mine, license CC0. pronouns=she/her “There is always more to discover if you pay more attention.”

May 24, 2022, 8 tweets

How to sell your ideas, by Tom Bellinson
hint: expertise and explanations won’t do it.

Step 1: focus on their win. Find out what it is by asking questions.
if you can’t deliver on THEIR goals, move on. #AgileAndBeyond

your goal is to enter the other person’s world, so you can communicate with them.
figure out their communication style and use that. @tomsbigideas

motivation strategy: does this person move away from scary things, or toward new things?
maybe you need to tell them why what they’re doing now is scary. @tomsbigideas

Figure out the person’s convincer strategy. Do they need a story? data? repeated encouragement? @tomsbigideas

Help people change their own minds. Ask a series of questions to find out what the value is, and whether this is worth doing. @tomsbigideas

negotiation technique: Hot Potato. they throw you a “what if?” you throw it back. @tomsbigideas

None of this comes across as trickery, because it isn’t. It is connecting with a person where they are. @tomsbigideas #AgileAndBeyond

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