Alex Raha (🦠😷 💉💉💉🚲🚶🏾‍♂️) Profile picture
Sales Rep by day.🚲&🚶🏾Campaigner.Husband,Dad,Cat servant who rides🚲.Tweets own views on 🚴🐈 & various 🏏⚽.South Londoner of 20yrs. RT/❤️ ≠ agreement.

May 26, 2022, 12 tweets

Baby R: "Daddy, I'm not feeling well..."
Dad: "Ok what will help make you feel better?"
BR: "I want to go on that new purple train...."

Cue thread....

Dad: "Have you heard of the famous Cannon Street Loop line train?"
BR: " No Daddy, that sounds like fun. Where can we get on it?"
Dad: "We can get train to either Lewisham or St Johns, and jump on there."

"let's go to St Johns Daddy, we never stop there..."
"Look Daddy it's one of those new blue City Beam ones..."

"This is taking a long time Daddy..."

"Daddy! Can see the purple train. It's veeeeeery long...."

"Daddy!! The seats are purple!! Really comfy too...."

"Is this train going to the bear's house Daddy?"
"Yes, it is..."

"Can we say hi to the bear?"

"Daddy, I want to get off looks reeeeeeaaaaally big...."

"Daddy....Can we go see the big scary dinosaur near the big ice cream? (On 4th plinth in Trafalgar Square)?"

"Ok Daddy, I'm ready to go home now...can we get the train back to Mummy?"...
He then KO'd on the train home....

Quick footnote, the #ElizabethLine is awesome. Super spacious trains, platforms & walkways. Can't wait until Bond Street opens, but Paddington, Farringdon & TCR all feel huge...
Just wish they sort out WiFi in the tunnels (mobile phone masts @TfL?) but felt super smooth from AW.

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