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May 27, 2022, 9 tweets

So who organized the #Youth4Peace tournament? 4H Zimbabwe right @4hzimbabwe?
Who leads 4H Zimbabwe? Here is a thread into who Mr John Muchenje @johnmuchenje4 is


1. Mr Muchenje is a successful farmer in his own right, described by state media as a beneficiary of the Land Reform and Command Agriculture from Midlands. He describes himself as being inspired by @edmnangagwa…

2. The man claims he started farming after touring ED's farm in 2016 (the height of Zanu factional fights and he was trusted to tour Sherwood farm👌) . Inspirational isn't it?…

3 But he is more than a farmer. Remember Chief Hwenje of the ED Pfee songs? He helps him write those too.…

4 Mr Muchenje is also Secretary General of the Children of the Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association, the organization that replaced @cozwva in ZanuPf politics and he was quite vocal after the coup.…

5 Remember 2019 when everyone had an opinion about the then MDC ALLIANCE Congress and Chamisa's alleged lack of respect for the Constitution? Mr Muchenje exercised his freedom of opinion to voice his😅…

6. Fun fact, when 4H hosted a debate at Crowne Plaza early this month @HeraldZimbabwe had to apologize after initially stating Mr Muchenje was representing ZanuPf. Mistake? No. The reporter did not know John was wearing a different jacket from the usual that day.

7. The idea is not to scandalize Muchenje or 4H Zimbabwe, they have every right in terms of Section 58 and 67 of the Constitution to associate with any political party. All we are doing is to give context

Thread 8-10 👇🏽

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