Ohio Mises Caucus Profile picture
Focused on promoting decentralization, privatization, and Austrian economics in the buckeye state! We take #Bitcoin

May 27, 2022, 19 tweets

Motion to not seat the Pennsylvania delegation fails miserably

The agenda proposed by @MisesChair has passed the 66% threshold and passes

One of the greatest congressmen in history, @justinamash is now speaking

The only good thing to come out of Michigan if I may add

Counting delegate tokens right now for the chair and vice chair debates

Chair debates starting now

The great @angela4LNCChair is now speaking

Dustin Nanna has been re-elected region 3 rep

Connor Nepo has been elected as region 3 alternate, it's a Mises endorsement sweep in region 3!

@MisesChair speaking at the Mises Bash

The MC for the Mises Bash @scotthortonshow

The Head of the @RonPaulInstitut Daniel McAdams at the Mises bash

The man himself @ZubyMusic

The future chair of the Libertarian Party @angela4LNCChair

One of the greatest gun rights activists today @MAJTOURE

The great @ThomasEWoods

The realest mother fucker you know @ComicDaveSmith

The greatest American in history! @RonPaul

That's it for today, I have to get some sleep. Tomorrow is a huge day! #RenoReset

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