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May 27, 2022, 6 tweets

📌Delegates today at the #WHA75 approved a number of recommendations relating to non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as cancers, diabetes, heart and lung diseases, as well as to mental health, and their risk factors.

📌Delegates agreed on recommendations on strengthening the design and implementation of policies (including those for resilient health systems and health services and infrastructure) to prevent and manage NCDs in humanitarian emergencies. #WHA75

📌For the first time, delegates at the #WHA75 have also supported the creation of global targets for addressing diabetes.

📌Delegates agreed on:

▶️A landmark global strategy for oral health
▶️New recommendations for the prevention & management of obesity
▶️Improving the lives of people with neurological disorders through a new global action plan

📌Delegates agreed on:

▶️An action plan to effectively implement the Global strategy to reduce the harmful use of alcohol as a public health priority.
▶️Adopting the Working for Health Action Plan that sets out policy priorities to rapidly progress workforce capacity.

📌Delegates at #WHA75 agreed to adopt the updated WHO Global Strategy for Food Safety to strengthen national food safety systems.

Find the full update here:

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